Wheat sensitivity?

rita4453 Posts: 14 Member
Does anyone have a problem with weight gain when they eat wheat such as pancakes, pizza, etc.? Yesterday we went to IHop to celebrate my granddaughters' last day of school. I ate 2 slices of dry rye toast (instead of 1) and a1/8 of a pancake with fruit topping along with my dinner of 2 slices of turkey bacon and scrambled egg whites. I had done well the rest of the day. I gained 1.4 lbs yesterday. This has happened when I eat a bit of pizza too. It seems that I gain pretty much whenever I eat some type of wheat product. I am a type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump. Any ideas?


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    edited June 2015
    That doesn't sound like a sensitivity, based on how you decribe it.
    The people I know who have sensitivies to wheat/dairy/ect have violent stomach pains, difficulty with digestion, and cannot physically consume those items.

    Weight "gain" after eating a meal is normal. Sodium, water retention, the weight of the food in you, waste produced from eating said food, ect all factors into normal daily flucuations of weight. I sometimes "gain" 5lbs in a day. 1.8lbs of "gain" after a meal out (especially at a chain like Ihop) is normal.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    That's not "wheat sensitivity." That's normal fluctuations--at worst, you might be bloated.

    From breakfast on, I usually "gain" a couple of pounds a day at my current weight. I lose it at night...or don't, if it's that time of month.
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    I've got a mild/moderate wheat allergy. Cramps, freakish bloating (seriously go from the "are you pregnant or just fat" to "holy hell you look about 6 months pregnant; your belly is so hard!". 1 to 1.5 kilos within a several hours is a normal gain), nausea, joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, rashes, and all sorts of biological warfare for a few days are what happens with poisonings. I also get skin irritation and rashes if I touch things made with wheat (like play dough).

    My opinion is that you're having normal fluctuation possibly paired with bloating. Because you're diabetic, I'm assuming that that wasn't a typical meal and it was heavyish on the carbs. Perhaps your body just isn't used to that much? Also because you mentioned you ate 2 instead of 1 slice of bread- it sounds like it was also a big meal. I'm also not saying it isn't possible that you are sensitive to wheat, but what you described could be very normal for anyone especially if it was different from how you typically eat. Honestly, the best way to figure it out 100% is a carefully planned elimination diet. That was the only way I pinned own my issues.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited June 2015
    This does not sound like wheat sensitivity at all. It sounds more like water retention (that bacon may have been salty and so is pizza) and carb loading. I gain/lose up to 5 pounds in water weight due to water retention and hormone fluctuations. It's not real gain so you should not be concerned about it. Being a type 1 diabetic you are likely eating less carbs than the usual person, so having a day where you eat more you are likely to store glycogen and water retention that comes with it.

    Wheat sensitivity usually comes in two forms: allergy or celiac, and you don't seem to have the symptoms of either. With that said, since type 1 diabetes is sometimes autoimmune, there could be other autoimmune issues at play including celiac, since autoimmune diseases sometimes come in bundles. If you suspect something you may want to get tested.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    rita4453 wrote: »
    Does anyone have a problem with weight gain when they eat wheat such as pancakes, pizza, etc.? Yesterday we went to IHop to celebrate my granddaughters' last day of school. I ate 2 slices of dry rye toast (instead of 1) and a1/8 of a pancake with fruit topping along with my dinner of 2 slices of turkey bacon and scrambled egg whites. I had done well the rest of the day. I gained 1.4 lbs yesterday. This has happened when I eat a bit of pizza too. It seems that I gain pretty much whenever I eat some type of wheat product. I am a type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump. Any ideas?

    Why do you think it's wheat? It could be the Turkey Bacon or the fruit topping? See that's where this idea falls down the only way to know if you have allergies or intolerances is to get tested by a DR and even then it's not always cut and dried. As others have said its a normal fluctuation and if these fluctuations bother you I would suggest weighing yourself less often.

    If you think you are having issues with certain foods I would go and see a Dr. Self diagnosis of an intolerance/allergy is pointless and innacurate
  • NiftyPineapple914
    NiftyPineapple914 Posts: 16 Member
    Read 'Wheat Belly' or look into it on Youtube.
  • ms_maruska
    ms_maruska Posts: 119 Member
    I have a wheat intolerance. I usually substitute it with spelt since I'm ok with that. But after eating pasta or bread made with spelt, I kinda "gain weight". I believe it's water weight due to carbs. It sorts itself out the next day so I didn't think much of it.