I'm back..with a new goal

I used to be a member under a different name.. I haven't use the website in almost a year.
In November 2009, I weighed 271 pounds. By July 2010, I got all the way down to 195.
I got a little too comfortable and didn't keep my eyes on the prize.. in October, I started a new birth control and gained 3 pounds a month, every month.
I got off the BC and lost 5 pounds.. so I'm back down to 216. My goal is 150.
My first goal is 11 pounds by July 1st
and another 5 per month after that...

I am going to start today. First I need to clean this house, but I used to incorporate exercise into cleaning, so that is what I'm going to do.. I've got a gallon of water in my fridge, waiting for me to pour the first glass and a 3 year old, that I have to take to the park sometime today.. yay! I'm nervous that I won't succeed.. but here goes nothing..


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You really should try to make it a lifestyle change and not a temporary fix. You will be a great role model for you children. They will not ever have to worry about it if you teach them from the beginning.
  • sherryberry07
    Welcome Back! :-D

    You can do it, you can do it! :-D Grab that glass of water, clean your house, play in the park, and keep in mind that goal! I'm rooting for you!
  • chopsticks
    chopsticks Posts: 106 Member
    A lifestyle change is healthier that's true but it's still a step in the right direction and that GOOD. i too was here before and lost 40lbs but between the holidays and quitting smoking (haven't had a smoke since december 15th) i have gained back 30lbs. We seem to be on the same track...i use my house cleaning(being a stay at home mom) as excersize trying to do it faster than i normally would to burn more and also turning up the music and dancing with the kids(i have a 3yr old and a 5yr old). It burns cals and the kids love it. I found a website with some good ideas for weight loss it might help you..... http://www.prevention.com/health/weight-loss/weight-loss-tips/basics Good luck!!
  • 1kid1step1family
    It was supposed to be a lifestyle change.. but like I said, I lost site of my goals. My 21st birthday, tons of family cookouts, dating a new guy and dates include alot of food lmao.. and it slowly slipped away. Now I have my fiance on my side, wanting to lose 40 pounds himself and learn to eat healthier and two very impressionable 3 year old's that will eat what I put in front of them.. lol. Now that I have a support system that is willing to try new food, and new activities, I think this might be a little easier. Of course my fiance lost 14 pounds in two weeks by just cutting out the soda.. I lost 5 =( lol.. love him tho'
    You really should try to make it a lifestyle change and not a temporary fix. You will be a great role model for you children. They will not ever have to worry about it if you teach them from the beginning.
  • 1kid1step1family
    thank you everyone!!
    I do work, however, I used to work full time/over time.. and my job is a very physical one.. however, now I only work 1-2 days a week and I'm losing all the activity, so I have to make up for it plus... I need to move my *kitten* and get off this computer.. lmao.. I will check out that website.. I'm excited to get this started.. I know with me personally.. it's getting through the first week and then I'm good to go.. I just need to get through this week
    A lifestyle change is healthier that's true but it's still a step in the right direction and that GOOD. i too was here before and lost 40lbs but between the holidays and quitting smoking (haven't had a smoke since december 15th) i have gained back 30lbs. We seem to be on the same track...i use my house cleaning(being a stay at home mom) as excersize trying to do it faster than i normally would to burn more and also turning up the music and dancing with the kids(i have a 3yr old and a 5yr old). It burns cals and the kids love it. I found a website with some good ideas for weight loss it might help you..... http://www.prevention.com/health/weight-loss/weight-loss-tips/basics Good luck!!