
I posted this on the C25K board I'm on, but no replies yet. I started it on Wednesday and have done Week 1 Day 1 and 2....my thighs are sore.
Do I do a rest day in between those 3 days or do them daily?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You are supposed to rest. Example:

    Day 1 - run
    Day 2 - rest
    Day 3 - run
    Day 4 - rest
    Day 5 - run
  • jlaw_1992
    jlaw_1992 Posts: 40 Member
    When I was first training to run 5k, yeah, I always took a rest day in between each run. Listen to your muscles too. It's usually not good to work out the same muscle group when they're still sore from the previous workout.