coming from weight watchers

Hey... So I'm pretty new to this, as in chit chat about weight loss etc with others.
I've done weight watchers and was very successful, however I now do weights at the gym and obviously the scales show no different. I'm at a place where I've hit the 'wall' so to speak, and would really appreciate tips on what foods to eat, still lose weight and give my body the energy it needs..


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well, make sure you're logging everything (including fruits and veggies) and staying in a deficit. Account for oil, drinks, condiments, etc. Essentially tighten up your logging.
  • louisevint
    louisevint Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, to be honest I probably am a little slack on drinks etc... So you're right I so need to tighten up on those things. Thanks for your advice.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    louisevint wrote: »
    Yeah, to be honest I probably am a little slack on drinks etc... So you're right I so need to tighten up on those things. Thanks for your advice.

    Welcome! If you still don't see a change and you're not using a food scale, I really suggest weighing all your food.
  • amwood1528
    amwood1528 Posts: 24 Member
    The more basic you eat, the more likely you will see better results. Shop on the outside of the grocery store. Meaning, veggies, fruits, meats, and dairy. Everything on the middle isles are processed. Try to eat things with one ingredient or food with basic ingredients (for example, some kettle corn chips mighty have: potatoes, some oil, and sea salt.) Also, think about changing your exercise. Some times your body gets use to your exercise and it's not effective anymore. Truthfully, is common for people to plateau in their weight loss journey.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    amwood1528 wrote: »
    The more basic you eat, the more likely you will see better results. Shop on the outside of the grocery store. Meaning, veggies, fruits, meats, and dairy. Everything on the middle isles are processed. Try to eat things with one ingredient or food with basic ingredients (for example, some kettle corn chips mighty have: potatoes, some oil, and sea salt.) Also, think about changing your exercise. Some times your body gets use to your exercise and it's not effective anymore. Truthfully, is common for people to plateau in their weight loss journey.

    You are posting up a storm tonight!

    You can eat what you want to lose weight, by the way. And you can venture into the dangerous middle section of the the grocery store. I swear, it won't kill you.
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    louisevint wrote: »
    Hey... So I'm pretty new to this, as in chit chat about weight loss etc with others.
    I've done weight watchers and was very successful, however I now do weights at the gym and obviously the scales show no different. I'm at a place where I've hit the 'wall' so to speak, and would really appreciate tips on what foods to eat, still lose weight and give my body the energy it needs..

    I can definitely relate. I have been lifting fairly heavy for over a year now, plus cardio and my weight just wasn't dropping (after 3rd baby). I was in denial about how much I was eating. Not a ton, but enough to hoover at around 10-15 over my pre-pregnancy weight.
    Log everything. And stick with it. It does work. One thing that helps me is volume. I try to incorporate a lot of veggies with lunch and dinner and lower calorie fruit with breakfast. Keep lifting too because when you drop a few pounds, your muscles development will be far more noticeable.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    louisevint wrote: »
    Hey... So I'm pretty new to this, as in chit chat about weight loss etc with others.
    I've done weight watchers and was very successful, however I now do weights at the gym and obviously the scales show no different. I'm at a place where I've hit the 'wall' so to speak, and would really appreciate tips on what foods to eat, still lose weight and give my body the energy it needs..

    i too have ventured over from slimming world where i lost 2.5 stone but have hit a wall, so now i count calories also, i lost 2.5lbs last week just by watching the calories and learning that free food isnt free food at all!!!
    do what it says on the tin hun - enter everything you eat and drink, i monitor calories burnt through my heart rate monitor and enter cals into diary (-minus cals expended just by living)

    it seems to be working for me

  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Best advice is to get a food scale and weigh what you eat as much as possible. As time goes by you can eyeball the times you dont have a scale available. I have one at work and at home. Weighing all foods has made a big difference in getting past a plateaus. I too came from WW and love MFP even more. Lot more flexible on MFP and the community is awesome. Your welcome to add me as a friend.
  • louisevint
    louisevint Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for getting back too me,it's great to have such good feed back. By the sounds of it I just really need to tighten up my counting. There's no better place to get it from than people who have been successful themselves.
  • _sacar
    _sacar Posts: 80 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    amwood1528 wrote: »
    The more basic you eat, the more likely you will see better results. Shop on the outside of the grocery store. Meaning, veggies, fruits, meats, and dairy. Everything on the middle isles are processed. Try to eat things with one ingredient or food with basic ingredients (for example, some kettle corn chips mighty have: potatoes, some oil, and sea salt.) Also, think about changing your exercise. Some times your body gets use to your exercise and it's not effective anymore. Truthfully, is common for people to plateau in their weight loss journey.

    You are posting up a storm tonight!

    You can eat what you want to lose weight, by the way. And you can venture into the dangerous middle section of the the grocery store. I swear, it won't kill you.

    You're right in that we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves, but that is actually a pretty decent rule of thumb to get eating on track if you've been eating poorly at home. We can eat whatever we want to lose weight, but the truth is that lots of us have foods that put us in a downward spiral when we eat them, so little rules like that are great, as long as you don't hate yourself when you break them now and then.

    Also - not sure if you're doing this Louise - you can try keeping track of your measurements instead of just your weight, to get a more complete idea of your progress. It can be discouraging to see the scale stay at about the same level when you know you have lost fat and gained muscle.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Best advice is to get a food scale and weigh what you eat as much as possible. As time goes by you can eyeball the times you dont have a scale available. I have one at work and at home. Weighing all foods has made a big difference in getting past a plateaus. I too came from WW and love MFP even more. Lot more flexible on MFP and the community is awesome. Your welcome to add me as a friend.
    A food scale is everything! I love mine! I got a digital one from target by Taylor for $18. It has been such an eye opener and really buckled down this journey for me! A must!
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Weight and log everything until you can eyeball your servings.
  • louisevint
    louisevint Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your advice... I find it a great help! I hope your weight loss goals are going well!