Motivation and Support for Big Women like me

Hey there, I have tried every diet in the book and have had many problems eating. I was anorexic for months at a time and then would binge eat and gain all the weight back. I was bulemic for a few months but soon figured out how bad it was for you. Then started another bad habit of binging on food. I love to eat and find it hard to stop eating once I have started. I am 5 ft 5 in and weight 254 lbs. I would love to have friends and a support system from people who are on the same journey as me.


  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi there! You can add me, I'm on here every day so I can help motivate you! My highest weight was 283. I joined MFP when I weighed 250 and have lost 30lbs so far, hoping to lose another 45 and that will put me at the weight I was in Jr high, I've always been a big girl unfortunately.
  • vofwillendorf
    vofwillendorf Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I have over 200 pounds to lose and was diagnosed with binge eating disorder...though I have been big all my life (even as a toddler). I am seriously working on my food issues now. Though our journeys are different, I can offer support. Please add me as a friend if you would like.
  • mxmakm
    mxmakm Posts: 1,166 Member
    You can add me! =) I'm 5'4 and my heaviest was around 250 and I started MFP a little over 230. I am currently at 212 but I still have a long way to go. I am aiming for around 140 because I won't be healthy BMI until 147 but I will see when I get there. I have not dealt with the same issues you have gone through in the past with food and I know that is extremely difficult but I would like to try to help support you in any way I can.

    By the way, when you say it's hard to stop eating once you start, I know where you're coming from there. It helps me to have out a premeasured portion so I stop once I finish that. If I am still hungry, I will wait a bit to see if it really is still hunger, and then measure myself out a bit more. This way, you are in control the whole time and know how many calories you are eating instead of figuring out the amount of damage later, which is usually way more than you originally wanted.
  • chanagraves
    chanagraves Posts: 16 Member
    Hey guys please add me.... I really want to be a part of this
  • jayceed7725
    jayceed7725 Posts: 8 Member
    mxmakm thank you! That is so awesome how far you have come! I am so excited for you! Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I am so excited that I am starting this especially with all your help!!!!!