Short Ladies - How long did it take you to lose weight?



  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm 5'3". I just wanted to lose weight for vanity reasons as I was already in a normal BMI range. MFP set my calories at 1400 to lose weight at one lb a week since I had about 5 weeks before I go on vacation with my boyfriend that's what I went with (I put myself as active). I really just wanted to lose a few lbs to help show off work in the gym so I started at 107.6 with a goal of 104 and it took me about 3 weeks and that was with a pretty bad weekend of binging at my nieces birthday party. According to everything I've read from others here losing weight at normal weights is close to impossible but that's not been my experience.

    My last weigh in I was down to 102 so I think MFP underestimated how many calories I needed. I haven't been logging workouts because I run a lot and don't want to double count since it adds steps in. I do quite a bit of strength training which it doesn't add calories for so I really have no idea how much to add back for that. I do eat usually between 1500-1600 a day and feel very energetic.

    Since I'm going to see my boyfriend in a week or so as it is I'll take it and just have a little extra buffer for alcohol while I'm there lol and when I get back I'll have to play around with eating more if I don't gain it all back while we are on vacation. It was unintentional, but I mean I'd rather have lost a little too much than not enough before beach time! Plus now I really don't have to think about it while I'm gone. So losing weight while short can definitely be done! Just stay active.
  • lexie1108
    lexie1108 Posts: 18 Member
    edited June 2015
    SW: 135
    CW: 104
    GW: 101
    Hello! It's so hard being short because literally every pound shows! I lost most of it a little differently (low carb) but you can do it the normal way with a calorie deficit. I wouldn't suggest low carb if you are active. I started at 135 at 5'1 last October and the majority was lost by January through low carb. By January I was 115. I started incorporating carbs in my diet and working out more and really got into running. I actually started training for a half marathon but an injury happened so I won't be doing that now for awhile. But the most important thing I think is eating healthy nutritious whole foods that are low in calorie but rich in fiber and nutrients. Lean meats, while grains, fruits , veggies. I love green smoothies! From January until now with plenty of cheat meals and relaxed eating days I dropped from 115 to 104. I'd like to get to 101 but I've recently started body weight training (Kayla Itsines guide) and just really want to build muscle and lose some more inches. I probably could've lost the weight even faster if I had really stayed strict with myself and had incorporated exercise early on! I feel so much healthier and stronger and confident now- it's amazing! I will post some before and after pics. The first picture I really don't know what the weight was- I'd guess 130 lbs but I know for sure I was 135 at one point! :( so uncomfortable on my frame! The second picture was in Hawaii in November with my husband where I was 119-120 lbs! The third pic was in March where I was 108 lbs. I was happy with myself there and think I've come to realize anywhere under 110 is fine by me! The last picture was taken a few days ago at the beach where that morning I weighed in at 104.0. Now just to build muscle and tone up!
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    @lexie1108 Awesome pics--helpful for reference because I am more or less the same height. I am currently 123 and trying to get down around 110. So true that every pound shows on us shorties!
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm 5'4" 31years old. I've lost 42 since January 2014 and 65lbs since Aug 2012 with a baby thrown in there. I also suffer from hypothyroidism and PCOS. Weight loss for me has not been easy. I am set at 1200 per my doctors and exercise on top of that. Typically I have to net about 1000 calories a day to loss 1 lb a week. And I still have plenty of weeks I lose nothing. I think I will forever be fighting my metabolism and genetics.

    I want to lose about 10 more and tone up some. We are also planning to try for baby #2 this winter and I know that will bring on some struggles. Try to stay as positive as possible and work at it until you find what works for you.
  • Digbysmom
    Digbysmom Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 5'2, 65 years old and so far have lost 15.5 pounds. I work out at Curves five days a week. I plan to lose another 5 - 8 pounds . Working out definitely helps me as I'm on 1200 calories a day. This is not a quick process as I average 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. The exercising really helps and now has become a habit. I just keep reminding myself that as well as reshaping my body I'm protecting my brain. I chose Curves because I'm 30 minutes in and out and I get a cardio and strength workout. Find an exercise programme that works for you and log, log, log everything. It may be slow but it works.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    stormyview wrote: »
    5' 4" here.
    SW 160, CW 115

    It took me 13 months, but I did lose to a pretty lean level. The last 7 pounds took 5 months, but I was also a lot more relaxed with my food and tracking once I got to 120, which was my original goal.

    I'm 5'4" and started at 163. I couldn't take it that far. It took me about a year to get to 130-133. I gave up here. 120s would be nice but it's not happening, not now at least.
  • KiwiKamikaze
    KiwiKamikaze Posts: 31 Member
    Gah, this is all so helpful and encouraging! I wish I had time to respond to every post! Congratulations to everyone on how successful you've all been. Fighting the good fight for all us short girls. Also, you all look fantastic.

    Right now I am about 135 lbs (don't think I said that early on). I technically set my weight goal to 105 lbs, but I am assuming I will end up heavier if I build any muscle at all. But I agree with everyone who said that each pound shows on a small frame. I feel so big most of the time. It's interesting to hear how fast you all were able to lose the lbs, especially since MFP says I can only lose 0.5 or less a week. So, I guess it is possible to lose more as long as you're exercising?

    @msty112 I have to comment on yours, because I absolutely feel for you. I have hypothyroidism, too. Even with medication stabilizing my TSH levels, I still find it difficult at times to have the energy to keep going. It's been okay so far (1 week in to working out and eating a little less), but I can tell I will really have to push through the fatigue. I am sure it will make actually losing pounds difficult as well.