Weight Loss Surgery



  • JudiMoving2
    JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
    Just read through this discussion board and am happy to have found it. I am in the program for surgery, and am looking to have the by-pass completed. Next month I meet with the Psych Dr. My insurance requires that I complete the program in a 90 day period. I am hoping it is enough time to change my habits so that I am successful.

    At this time I am trying to make better choices, and chew, chew chewing my food, also researching in my history the reasons I got to this point. I am nervous that I will not maintain after surgery. I have seen people fail with surgery. I want to win this weight battle, and it was (and is) hard for me to admit that I cannot do this on my own.

    Are my fears normal at this point?
  • sharifit53
    sharifit53 Posts: 54 Member
    JudiMoving2, your fears are normal but hopefully you are also excited, hopeful and determined? Chewing food and self evaluation are important things to practice now. I'm glad you have seen others fail with surgery (not glad they failed, but glad you are able to see that it is possible). You will need to use that knowledge on a daily basis even after surgery so that you can be resolved not to follow their footsteps.

    I had lapband almost 3 years ago and have lost weight, but it has not been without problems. If you want the full story friend me.
  • angelmed17
    I am 9 years out from my RNY gastric bypass. I lost 172 pounds and have regained ~40. I would definitely like to lose those 40, but I still feed proud for having maintained a 130 pound loss. Bariatric surgery is not a magic bullet, it is a tool. If you use your tool and you are mentally ready to do the work you will be very successful! HOWEVER, if you slack and go back to thinking that you can eat and drink anything you want the way that you used to you WILL gain weight just like anyone else. I don't wonder why I've regained, I know EXACTLY why. I am going to have to work at it now, it won't be like it was that first year where the weight just melted off - BUT I still have that tool and I can use it.
  • angelmed17
    I had my RNY on Nov 17th- I'm down 52 lbs at last weigh in, which was two weeks ago. More importantly I'm feeling so much better and am much more active now. I'm wondering if anyone had back aches while they were losing? I've got some degeneration in my spine to begin with but now that my tummy is going down, my back is hurting! Any advice?

    I had the same issue with my back and then later with my knees and hips! The way it was explained to me is that your muscles are used to carrying a certain amount of weight and being in a certain position - once you have lost a good portion of weight your body has to learn a new way to hold itself which stresses the muscles in a different way. It will pass, I promise!
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    i'm pre-op sleeve and have had the psych go-ahead but will need further review before they book the surgeon appointment. i'm making some much better choices in accordance with their recommendations - i've lost 17 lbs in 10 weeks - and i think the sleeve will be a great tool in my arsenal.

    for those of you who have already had SLEEVE surgery, i have a question. is it difficult to fit in enough nonstarchy vegetables and fruits? i know you need to focus on protein first and starches are always easy to eat (hello, mashed potatoes. what a lovely slider you are.) but if the body requires a large volume of green leafies etc, how do you make that work?
  • skinnyminime5
    skinnyminime5 Posts: 64 Member
    I am 3 years happily banded! Lost over a 100lbs but gained a bit back. So I am back to tracking on MFP which I find helpful.

    Friend me...I am always looking for friends :)

  • sarahlondon12812
    Almost 2 years out RNY. I've had my ups and downs good days and bad. My journey is not over yet I've got much more life to live. I always welcome new WLS friends.
  • bAseballmom122
    bAseballmom122 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I am 10 years out and have gained 50 lbs back. Now starting the struggle to get it back off. If u ever need to talk message me
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    My sister just had the sleeve done and now I am considering it as well. Thankfully my insurance covers it (hers didn't-she went to Mexico) so I am beginning the process. I can't decide if I want to do the sleeve or lap band. DH says I should just go for the sleeve since I keep saying that the lap band can be removed. He said that this is a life long thing, not temporary; I need to look at it that way-something that cannot be changed.

    How long did it take to get into the OR from when you started the process, and what insurance company do you have (if you are okay sharing it)? I have Cigna. Thanks!!!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited January 2015
    This is forum is for anyone who is thinking about weight loss surgery, has had it and in the process.
    Actually, this forum is for introductions. That's why it's titled "introduce yourself".
    There are groups extant for people to discuss the various surgeries, the lifelong health problems they cause, regaining, etc.


    For those who are only considering surgery, please get lots of information, learn about the lifelong problems.

    If you can succeed in their pre-surgery control-your-eating program & lose the weight necessary before having surgery, you can succeed in doing it to lose the excess weight without surgery.

    The Cleveland Clinic says of gastric surgery:
    "Most patients will lose between 66 and 80 percent of their excess body weight"

    That's a 28% loss from my starting weight in 1 year, or about a 70% loss of my _excess_ weight (110 lb).
    Naturally done, body still whole, able to eat what I want. I've just learned self-control.
    (And yes, for a few months I used an appetite suppressant which allowed me to learn to eat normal-size portions, and now even without it I'm not constantly ravenous like I used to be.)

    When I first met with my weight loss doc, he offered to start me on the track for surgery.
    I'd done my research, knew that there was absolutely no way I would ever do that, did not want to suffer the lifelong problems & restrictions that come from it.
    Last checkup I had, they had an intern who was doing his endocrinology rotation and was apparently of the opinion that nobody could succeed at losing weight without surgery.
    So they introduced him to me. :smiley:
    And I may get profiled in the hospital info magazine.
  • fillvv
    fillvv Posts: 6 Member
    mykaylis wrote: »
    i'm pre-op sleeve and have had the psych go-ahead but will need further review before they book the surgeon appointment. i'm making some much better choices in accordance with their recommendations - i've lost 17 lbs in 10 weeks - and i think the sleeve will be a great tool in my arsenal.

    for those of you who have already had SLEEVE surgery, i have a question. is it difficult to fit in enough nonstarchy vegetables and fruits? i know you need to focus on protein first and starches are always easy to eat (hello, mashed potatoes. what a lovely slider you are.) but if the body requires a large volume of green leafies etc, how do you make that work?

    I have been sleeved for about 7 mos. I always eat my protien first. I prefer low carb, non starchy vegetables always have, but things like mashed potatoes just move right through almost like you have not eaten them. I will say this I do eat out with my family and just recently we had mexican... I can usually resist the tortilla and queso, but not this last time. I had more than I should have and when my meal came I could not eat it. This is not a good choice for a few reasons... no protien, high calorie and I was hungry sooner than I would have otherwise.
  • nikkig1345
    I just had a sleeve on Monday (2/2/15) and literally cannot stop thinking about food. I am not hungry, but the 1.5 weeks of liquids only is really starting to get to me. Anybody that's gone through the process have any tips to stop thinking about food? I NEVER thought about food like this before surgery. I liked food, but wasn't a FOODIE, or food LOVER, I ate when I was hungry, made good and bad choices, but just have had trouble taking off weight as I get older (I've struggled with weight my entire life, but have put on about 20-25 pounds since my two pregnancies in the last couple of years, putting me at around 100 lbs overweight). I find myself obsessed with food the last few days; I don't know if it's because I'm home and bored (go back to work Monday, the day after tomorrow, thank goodness) or if it is just the reality of everything sinking in. Any suggestions or support would be helpful :)
  • Dolce_xxv
    Dolce_xxv Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck ! I had mine 01/10/15 :)
  • Toothfairyy
    Toothfairyy Posts: 47 Member
    Hello I'm Toothfairyy and had bypass 3 yrs ago March 7 my lowest point was 210 as of this morning I'm 216 so my goal was to be 180 now I would just love to get to 199 so I'm back on track and ready to go I can always use new friends looks like the old ones I had from this site and faded away so add me chat with me lets support eachother and share hints.
  • Jimsgrl
    Surgery date of March 25, 2015. Looking for new friends and support. SW 205, GW 125/130.
  • klingerman73
    klingerman73 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey there guys... I am poking my head in here to see how things are going for everyone. I am just starting my WLS journey. My goal is to have the surgery in late June, early July, based upon my insurance requirements. I will be having the Loop DS surgery. Good luck to all of you!!.... Let us know how you are doing! CW 320, GW 185
  • tiffdmill
    tiffdmill Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Was sleeved on 9/3/2015. My starting weight was 259 and current weight is 207. The scale hasn't moved in almost 2 months. I'm eating things that I know I shouldn't and am struggling a bit to get back on track. I track my food on MFP, but I don't always track everything or update when their are changes. Just trying to get motivated again. Open to having some new friends on here if anyone is interested.
  • taylorizal
    taylorizal Posts: 25 Member
    I just had my surgery (Lap RenY) February 19, 2015. I have lost about 35 pounds so far. I have found that my biggest challenge at first was getting enough calories in to kickstart my metabolism. I had trouble losing weight because I wasn't getting enough calories. I am using MFP to track those calories, my protein and liquids. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Sassaliscious
    Sassaliscious Posts: 3 Member
    I know this forum is older but I'm glad I found it. I had gastric sleeve on May 21st 2015.... I am down a total of 28 pounds. I have a long way to go. Start weight 259 surgery Surgery weight 244 Current weight 230