Hello there... is there anyone out there like me????

Puccini Posts: 1 Member
Hi there,
just starting off with myfitnesspal last week. Feeling very ashamed. I am a health care professional who should take better care of her health but have struggled with weight and body image for my whole life. I've lost and regained weight may times before and until pretty recently have been feeling pretty hopeless and helpless. I started myfitnesspal last week and am determined to make some lasting changes. I want to lose about 50lbs but know I have to be sensible about this. Feel ashamed that I help others with motivation to modify risk factors for cardiovascular disease but have been inconsistent in my efforts in this area. Trying to be more honest with myself and "walk the talk".


  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm active on here and willing to support you. I can't say I'm in the exact same boat but I constantly rant to my family about the evils of processed foods with a bowl of Kraft mac and cheese in my hands ;-) I am trying to eat clean(ish) as I like to call it and would be happy to support you. This is my second time back - hopefully this time it will stick for me. I've been back a few weeks, last time it was nearly a year. I too struggle yo-yoing up and down with my weight. Welcome to mfp and feel free to send me a friend request :-)
  • sawik187
    sawik187 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel like we're in the same boat! I am also a health care professional and have been anorexic to obese and everywhere in between. I'm trying to use MFP now to keep an eye on calories and exercise! I have found it to be so helpful! I really need to be healthy to stick around to watch my kids grow up! Encouragement is great on here!
  • Milliepet
    Milliepet Posts: 40 Member
    You can do this, all three of you!!! You may want to check with Weighandwin.com also, where you can be paid for losing weight. I was on a team recently, we used MFP plus W&W to place third in the state on weight loss. My BMI is now 23.5, one of the ladies lost about 100#. If you wish support , I would be happy to help also