Morning Workouts

Hey Everyone,
I am in need of a little help/advice in improving my morning workouts or at least helping me to understand why they are so much less productive than when I exercise at night or in the afternoon.
I am by no means a morning person, but if I have the energy to get myself out of bed in the morning before classes, I want to make my workout worth missing out on an extra hour of sleep. My problem is that for some reason in the morning my intensity (whether it's mental or physical, I'm not sure) just isn't as strong as it is later into the day or night.
If you could explain why I struggle so much more working out in the morning than at night I would really appreciate any thoughts you might have! Also any advice on how to improve my morning workouts would also be greatly appreciated!


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You definitely have to train your body for it and it will take about a month or so to really get there. Then you'll be cranky when you miss it LOL

    Its awesome knowing that you were a superhero before most people even opened their eyes - cause youre THAT girl.
  • Ronnysosmooth
    Ronnysosmooth Posts: 6 Member
    I had the same problem it took so time for me to get uses to the morning gym but the body gets uses to it
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I give you props for even trying! I've woken up early before and just couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and get to the gym.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Do you roll right out of bed into a workout? When I first switched to mornings I found that a quick cup of coffee made a world of difference. Now that I've been doing it for awhile I spend my warmups rubbing the sleep out of my eyes lol. Also I do find that a longer/more cardio-oriented warmup helps, making sure that I get my heart rate well elevated before I start the "real" work. Otherwise I run out of steam quickly.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Necro'd haha

    On topic: I work out in the morning (5am) 3 days a week. I take some preworkout and hit the gym. Your body gets used to waking up that early, the first couple months or so are tough. The days I workout in the morning are the days I feel more productive during the day.
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    I struggle with this. Today is actually my first day switching back over to mornings. In the past, it is where I seen the best results due to making better decisions the rest of the day. Also, there is always someone who demands my attention let's say on Friday and Saturday nights directly after work so I can easily skip my workout.

    We are in this together. Take it day by day. I like @sofaking6 idea about taking some time prior to the workout.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    well, it's early in the morning...I'm usually dragging *kitten* too. as a NOT morning person, I don't workout in the morning...I crush it in the afternoon and I just go when I know I'm going to crush it and don't otherwise waste my time. I'll sleep in the AM and kill it at 6PM.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I had to do morning workouts to get my cardio time in since work often ran late

    I started doing a big cup of coffee and some 85% cocoa dark chocolate 10g. It is a little calorie burst from good for me dark chocolate and the coffee wakes me up.

    It works for me

    I try to get 7000 or more steps in.

    It helps me get my cardio in for sure so I do it first thing.
  • veronicaochoa
    veronicaochoa Posts: 1 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    You definitely have to train your body for it and it will take about a month or so to really get there. Then you'll be cranky when you miss it LOL

    Its awesome knowing that you were a superhero before most people even opened their eyes - cause youre THAT girl.

    ^this is totally me! If you knew me you would know I am NOT a morning person. But when I made the decision to change my lifestyle I knew that if I waited to work out in the prob would not happen. So I started working out at 5am. Well the gym got really packed and I was still very self conscience so I started waking up at 3:30 to make it to the gym by 4. I can honestly say it is my favorite part of the day. I love the fact that when Im walking out of the gym I feel like the world is barely waking up and yet I just killed my work out. Totally corny and all but I am so proud to say that I have kept it up for 3months now and wouldn't dare change it.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I tend to get injured (grogginess) if I exercise too soon after waking. So I don't.