The Right Path...

Hello, all! I am KDYLINDA. I am taking a 100 days challenge to see how making healthier choices can/will impact my life...I have decided to give up soda & replace it w/1 gallon of water per day for the next 100 days...have any of you given up soda? Did you notice a difference on the scale?? If so, tell me your story...


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • lynnech614
    lynnech614 Posts: 67 Member

    Yes I have stopped drinking soda except on rare occasions or approx (1) day a week, however I only drink diet so they are sugar and fat free.

    I have found a difference in the fact that just as you have I have increased my water intake.

    I hope I helped somewhat oh and my name is Colleen.
  • kdylindatm
    kdylindatm Posts: 3 Member
    @lynnech614 Yes, you have helped...I need all the encouragement I can get. Thanks for your response!
  • msannier21
    msannier21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my name is Annie, I have decided and have dedicated myself to a 6 month challenge. I am going to watch all my daily intake of food and will dedicate myself in writing on my blog on all foods eaten. I will hold myself accountable for all my food choices. My challenge will start on Monday June 15. I would like support from all who wish to help me.
  • lynnech614
    lynnech614 Posts: 67 Member
    edited June 2015
    You have my support and will do my best to encourage! I will say when I logged on and it said (5) days in a row it astonished me seemed like it was yesterday I started time will go by and you will be proud to be a bob builder can you do it yes you can!!
  • lynnech614
    lynnech614 Posts: 67 Member
    My hard part is waiting till Thursday which makes my one week before getting on the scale