Over 40 and looking for motivation.

Lizzds Posts: 1 Member
I am returning after a long hiatus. I've return to my old weight plus a few more pounds. I really want to change my habits and get to a healthy weight.


  • Becca281552
    Becca281552 Posts: 45 Member
    I've done the same... more than once :p I've come to the conclusion that I'm a MFP "lifer" ~ I'll never be able to stop tracking, even after the weight is gone :)
  • marypd67
    marypd67 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me, I'm over 40 ( closer to 50) trying to lose weight and improve fitness need friends to follow and motivate
  • blondie1594
    blondie1594 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in the same boat ~ over forty, perimenopausal, and struggling to get those stubborn pounds off that have settled around my middle.
  • surgkeish
    surgkeish Posts: 13 Member
    Ladies I have PCOS I'm 32 and I would love to motivate you all and encourage you all as well as receive encouragement and motivation
  • Milliepet
    Milliepet Posts: 40 Member
    I am 73, on Monday anyway. I've been at goal for 8 months with a bmi of 23.5
    you ladies can do it!!! It takes commitment & determination to get healthier & stronger.
    My motivation was looking around & seeing so many people my age & younger on O2, using walkers,
    canes & even wheelchairs. I kept imagining how I would feel being in their position & did NOT like the
    possibility. Guess what I am trying to motivate you by asking yourself how do you want your life to be
    as you get older? Best wishes, Millie

  • CrystalNewton1
    CrystalNewton1 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 51 and looking for all the motivation i can get!!!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    I am so glad I stumbled on this thread. One, cos it reminded I am not the only one who is struggling with menopause and unexpected weight gain ( especially around the middle!), and two, it gave me the total blindsider of a motivational post by Milliepet......!!!

    I was feeling old and fat and 'why bother?', then I got reminded why it is important to bother!!!

    Here's to us all, but especially Milliepet.......!!! Sounds like she has got it sussed, now it is for the rest of us to get our act together!!!

  • uleee476
    uleee476 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone - me too 44 - just downloaded the app. That's the first step. I've had trouble motivating myself to start moving and to start watching out for the extra snacks. Here's to the beginning !
  • BethPorter1
    BethPorter1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello i am 43and a mommy of a three year old. Stay at home mommy. I have been pon for 45 days. I have lost 13 lbs so far. I find it hard to get all the numbers, like potassium, protein and iron. I am looking to add some weights (I have 8lbs hand weights) to hopefully get rid of my underarm flappiness! Look forward to reading and getting/keeping the motivation!!!
  • aamundsoncpa
    aamundsoncpa Posts: 77 Member
    I'm almost 50 and I've been going through perimenopause for at least 3-4 years. My weight is at an all time high, which is so depressing. I've done MFP and Weight Watchers and had much success in the past, but am struggling more than ever. My biggest problem is my will power seems to be non-existent these days and I blame those hormones. Instead on tracking when I blow it with excess calories (ice cream is my weakness), I just give up for a week or more.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Feel free to add me . I try to motivate . I am almost 44
  • lucycasella
    lucycasella Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me I'm 42. I started last year and lost 50 lbs I still have another 12 to go. It is hard. I kept on plateauing so I kept on changing everything up. I plan on going back to weight lifting after I reach my goal to firm everything back up. Believe in yourself. I use this app everyday. It makes you accountable for what you eat, drink, and excercise. Once you start losing you'll hear comments and you'll feel better and get more motivated
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    48 years young and maintaining; both of us - though my wife will not say she's closing on 48..ssshhh
  • Maz1968IOM
    Maz1968IOM Posts: 2 Member
    I can identify with so may of the posts above. I am 47 and have been on (failed) diets for years. I get to a decent weight and then blow it! I have really struggled to muster up my willpower. Anyway, here I am again trying calorie counting and I have been spot on for 5 days now and to be honest I feel better for it already - less bloat and more energy.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member

    That is my motivation. I don't want it.

    I am lazy, unmotivated, hate exercise, love pizza, wine and beer. Did I mention I hate salads?

    But, let's look at John Candy, Chris Farley...oh, they are DEAD! Obesity kills. If that is not motivation, I don't know what is...I don't want to be on oxygen in a scooter. I can control that much of my future.

    Yes, diet and exercise are hard for some of us. We grew up as couch potatoes. Time to change.
  • DLinnell58
    DLinnell58 Posts: 87 Member
    You can add me as well! I have 25 more to go. Been a long road.