Feeling miserable when you are eating stuff you are not supposed to be eating...

Hi Everyone! I have been trying to shed these five kilos that I don´t want/need for almost two years...I have tried loads of differents diets and nothing seems to work or maybe I am not patience enough.....I have tried diets that I have seen online...from dietians....The other day diet (Impossible to eat just 500kcal per day) 5:2...Atkins...all seems to fail....I mean I can go on them for two weeks but after that I fall...and I feel really really miserable like a failure...:(

My friends never take me seriously and it´s difficult to go cold turkey I think....anyway...I have read Sarah Wilson´s (I QUIT SUGAR book) and it is quite interesting....I have read it a couple of times and I have been trying to quit sugar for three weeks now...first two weeks went fine...the third one...has been a disaster! I have been eating sugar like three times...when I mean sugar I mean stuff like cupcakes...cakes...chocolate...and I feel like I need support...I need motivation! I feel like this is working very well for me...I feel like my body is changing little by little... anyone already doing this I quit sugar programme or any other diet and have loads of motivation?

Please do let me know!


  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
    You do not have to quit sugar. Set a reasonable calorie goal and stick to it. Fit in treats when you can.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    There's nothing wrong with cupcakes/cakes/chocolate in moderation. There are many people here who eat chocolate every single evening. The key is to keep to their calorie goals and meet their nutrients beforehand.
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    The most important thing to remember, that when you 'diet' you can lose the weight, but it almost always comes back. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle change. Cutting out sugar can be helpful, but in the end weight loss is all about calories in verse calories out. Use the app to your full advantage. Record what you're eating, and don't eat less than around 1200 calories. 500 calories? That is absolutely ridiculous! My advice, don't try a 'fad diet', just count calories and the weight will come off. The no sugar may work for you, but remember unless you want to gain the weight back that you lose as soon as you start eating sugar again, it will come back. If you think you can go the rest of your life without sugar, than go ahead and try that, but if you don't think that's a possibility, than just count calories. :)
  • PatriciaGentileschi
    PatriciaGentileschi Posts: 27 Member
    But do you think I will lose weight eating just 1200 kcal? Some people think that is starvation! I have tried to use the app loads of times...but everytime I do...I always go over 1200 kcal or under which I think it´s not healthy...actually Fitness Pal tells me off in a way when I do that...I think I am so confused about everything that I do not know what to do anymore! What sort of diets do you ladies do? What keeps you motivated?
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I looked it up--"The Other Day Diet" is an extreme intermittent fast, where you eat 500 cal or less every other day.

    Yeah, I don't see that working for many people.

    1) Plan in some yummy stuff.
    2) Don't keep much in the house. :)

    My family clearly hates me because they came home from vacation with a huge TUB of goldfish crackers. I will munch on that all day. LOL.

    I ate ten. And I'm sending it with my husband to work!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    But do you think I will lose weight eating just 1200 kcal? Some people think that is starvation! I have tried to use the app loads of times...but everytime I do...I always go over 1200 kcal or under which I think it´s not healthy...actually Fitness Pal tells me off in a way when I do that...I think I am so confused about everything that I do not know what to do anymore! What sort of diets do you ladies do? What keeps you motivated?

    Starvation mode is a myth. If 1200 isn't working for you, lower your deficit.

    I don't do any diet...I fit the foods I love into my calories, make sure I hit my fat and protein numbers, and have a treat every night.
  • PatriciaGentileschi
    PatriciaGentileschi Posts: 27 Member
    what keeps you motivate it?Cos maybe I need to be more consistent
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    You'll be motivated if you're not miserable. Looks like you don't have very much to lose, so reduce your goal to lose half a pound a week - that will give you a lot more calories, so you'll find it easier to stay on track. Eat the number of calories allotted and forget about all the faddy elimination diets. Eat things you like, but weigh and measure your food so you can be confident in your calorie intake. Your motivation will continue as you see yourself start and then continue to lose the weight.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi Patricia. What are your stats? Height, weight, how much are you trying to lose?
    Add yes you would lose weight at 1200 calories...but that might be too little for you. Have you set up your specs in MFP and does it tell you how many calories you should be eating in order to lose weight? Stay below that number and you will lose weight. But I also think you need a friend to help keep you motivated and on track. I personally have a 100 pounds to lose....add me as a friend and we can help each other stay on track.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    First, the more simple you keep it, the easier it is to stay motivated and consistent. That's why a lot of people emphasize CICO (Calories In < Calories Out) over food elimination diets and other gimmicks. You don't have to give up sugar or anything else you like entirely, but you do have to learn how to make it work with your goal.

    When you set up MFP, did you go straight to the 2 lb/wk option? That can set a very low calorie limit that is hard to stick to. Depending on how much you have to lose, you might need to select 1 lb/wk or something like that.

    Lastly, weighing and logging is not a natural behavior, it's learned. You won't get it exactly right overnight, but over time it becomes easier. It helps a great deal to learn that skill because it helps you understand the "Calories In" part of your balance and it is easier to tweak that side.

    I wrote the post linked below because I wanted to crystalize and share a lot of my own lessons learned. Maybe you'll find it a bit helpful.

    Good luck.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I stay motivated by eating what ever I want. So yesterday I ate sugar doughnut, today I'm having wine and twiglets.

    1200 is the bare minimum you should eat, if you want to eat more just go for a walk for 30 minutes, you'll be surprised how many more calories that will give you.

    Life shouldn't be about eating things you don't want to eat, eat the things you like but move enough to burn them off. You CAN do this, just simplify it a bit :)
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Maybe you could research diets

    Look up the main ones and what makes them tick

    Look at what you think may work for you.

    Finding a plan you can stick with is key. As others mentioned, burning off more than you eat and getting enough nutrition to keep the machine running...

    That will let you drop weight.

    I have seen lots of people try diets or weight loss strategies. Most fail. I did the same.

    When it clicked with the right plan, it worked.

    I found my gym friends more valuable than diet type friends. We could encourage each other to stick to plan, whatever it was! We worked out together once in a while at the huge gym I'm a member of. And I saw a few friends this morning. It is cool to share success.

    Finding the common ground is easy if you want to. I like that much better than bickering over carbs or other internet lunacy that just does not happen in real life.
  • PatriciaGentileschi
    PatriciaGentileschi Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe you could research diets

    Look up the main ones and what makes them tick

    Look at what you think may work for you.

    Finding a plan you can stick with is key. As others mentioned, burning off more than you eat and getting enough nutrition to keep the machine running...

    That will let you drop weight.

    I have seen lots of people try diets or weight loss strategies. Most fail. I did the same.

    When it clicked with the right plan, it worked.

    I found my gym friends more valuable than diet type friends. We could encourage each other to stick to plan, whatever it was! We worked out together once in a while at the huge gym I'm a member of. And I saw a few friends this morning. It is cool to share success.

    Finding the common ground is easy if you want to. I like that much better than bickering over carbs or other internet lunacy that just does not happen in real life.

    Thank you for your message...I have been reading about different diets and I have tried to do a mix of all of them and do it the way I like it...but it doesn´t seem to work...when I go out with friends I like to have some drinks for ex...if there is a party and there is plenty of delicious food is hard to say no to your friends... I tried but it´s just hard...once I joined the gym and it was one of the biggest waste of money for me...I get bored there...I do enjoy classes like Zumba...dancing...but what happens to me is that I start like cold turkey...sticking to it quiet well...but after 2 weeks fail..I have cake...chocolate...things I shoudn´t eat and instead of comfort it and be ok about it...I tend to feel miserable and have terrible thoughts....
  • PatriciaGentileschi
    PatriciaGentileschi Posts: 27 Member
    I stay motivated by eating what ever I want. So yesterday I ate sugar doughnut, today I'm having wine and twiglets.

    1200 is the bare minimum you should eat, if you want to eat more just go for a walk for 30 minutes, you'll be surprised how many more calories that will give you.

    Life shouldn't be about eating things you don't want to eat, eat the things you like but move enough to burn them off. You CAN do this, just simplify it a bit :)

    I find it very hard to be counting calories all the time and it could be a bit misleading sometimes too....but Yes I guess I need to find some balance here....how long will it take you to shed 5 kilos if you eat 1200 kcal and go for walks (Light exercise)

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I stay motivated by eating what ever I want. So yesterday I ate sugar doughnut, today I'm having wine and twiglets.

    1200 is the bare minimum you should eat, if you want to eat more just go for a walk for 30 minutes, you'll be surprised how many more calories that will give you.

    Life shouldn't be about eating things you don't want to eat, eat the things you like but move enough to burn them off. You CAN do this, just simplify it a bit :)

    I find it very hard to be counting calories all the time and it could be a bit misleading sometimes too....but Yes I guess I need to find some balance here....how long will it take you to shed 5 kilos if you eat 1200 kcal and go for walks (Light exercise)
    Depends on how many calories you burn each day. Height, weight, and age would make it possible to give a ballpark estimate.

  • PatriciaGentileschi
    PatriciaGentileschi Posts: 27 Member
    I Am 60 kilos... Height 162 cm...according to MFP I will have to stick to 1200 kcals If I want to loose those 5 kilos (11pounds/Nearly one stone)
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I Am 60 kilos... Height 162 cm...according to MFP I will have to stick to 1200 kcals If I want to loose those 5 kilos (11pounds/Nearly one stone)
    What do you have your loss per week set to?

    It looks like your maintenance calories would be about 1833 calories per day, depending on your activity level.

    You're already in the normal BMI range and losing 5kg would put you well toward the bottom of the healthy range.

    If your maintenance is 1833 and if you ate 1200 and if you lost exactly at the rate the math predicts, it would take about nine weeks.

  • PatriciaGentileschi
    PatriciaGentileschi Posts: 27 Member
    It will take me nine weeks to lose 5 kilos while I am eating 1200kcals? That is a looong time! :(
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    It will take me nine weeks to lose 5 kilos while I am eating 1200kcals? That is a looong time! :(

    Look at it this way, you are a lot closer to your goal than a lot of people. Imagine looking at a multi-year slog to lose weight. You're ahead of the game.

    Also, good news, you're normal BMI, which means you are in a position of doing this out of choice, not necessity. You might do this, realize you like what you see after 2.5 kg, and pick that time to work on maintenance.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It will take me nine weeks to lose 5 kilos while I am eating 1200kcals? That is a looong time! :(
    The nine weeks are going to pass anyway. What you do during those nine weeks is up to you.