looking for tips on how to diet with my condition PCOS

So I got diagnosed with PCOS last year and have been told to healthy succeed in getting pregnant it would be beneficial for me to loose some weight which will decrease my symptoms. So im looking for some advice on what to avoid and best diet for my condition?


  • surgkeish
    surgkeish Posts: 13 Member
    I would like to tell you about it in a personal message accept my friend request my experience
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    Check out the ladies on P.C.O.SIS There are a lot of different and varied solutions, but a number of commonalities in our diets. Lower-low carb, low sugar. You'll have to decide what you think is best for you and what is possible for you to accomplish. I would also recommend asking a dietitian/nutritionist and/or your doctor about what diet would be best for you.
  • sarahswadkins
    sarahswadkins Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks @alfiedn I'll check that out, I have spoke with my gp but they couldnt really advise me what to eat just to exercise more. @surgkeish I have accepted your request hun.
  • rubyandmani
    rubyandmani Posts: 31 Member
    me and my 3 sister all are diagnosed Pcos, but we 2 have children quite quick, but saying yhis we are skinny but we tend to gain very quickly, we just eat heathly as much as we can. no sugar. no processed food , no deep frying until I had children off ousre litle treat here and there
  • sarahswadkins
    sarahswadkins Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks so much .. gives me hope to hear that. Ive had 3 miscarriages and had tonnes of tests the only thing they can explain is that because of the pcos you are at a higher risk of miscrriage and to keep trying ... my chances could increase if i lose weight .... so fingers crossed I get my blessing soon :smile:

  • meganmarie2989
    meganmarie2989 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009 and i was able to get pregnant. I read that taking metformin in the first trimester can help decrease the chances of having a miscarriage. My ob/gyn approved me taking it while pregnant and I was able to carry to full term.
  • milliannn
    milliannn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! :) I'm 23 and two years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS also. They're unsure how I have it because it wasn't hereditary for me but believe I've had it since at least 14. I was told I would most likely need help getting pregnant when the time comes. I'm not huge, but my doctor says it would do me some good to be healthier and lose some weight. I also have a stomach ulcer that measures the size of a golf ball and they believe I've had that since about 15. Personally I'd love to get down to 150. So I would love to know any tips as well! Thank you in advance!
  • kkromang
    kkromang Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I successfully got pregnant on metformin..had a healthy baby boy but gained about 65 pounds during pregnancy. He just turned 1 last week and I am still 45 pounds heavier than I was post baby...looking to start metformin again and get on track with low carb/low sugar! I would love to share ideas & motivation with others who have PCOS!

    Before I got pregnant I lost about 45 pounds with the help of metformin, working out & weight watchers... I need to do that again!