I've been doing really good and staying away from the snacks that always seem to be at work, but today they're having a bake sale. I have to walk pass the darn thing everytime I go to the bathroom and let me tell you there are some pretty scrumptious looking bake goods on the tables. I just had to vent. :grumble:


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Be strong!
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Be strong!
  • ivorythorns
    ivorythorns Posts: 33
    Oh no!!!

    Stay strong -- you can do this!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Step away from the brownies!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Don't give up what you want most for, for what you want for the moment.

    Stay away from the table!
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    one of our attorneys brought in a whole dozen donuts from dunkin donuts! i looove donuts lol.. but i havent and im not gonna eat them! i already had my sugar this morning plus ill feel horrible afterwards lol.. just try to forget about it.. i do lol
  • sjwarren66
    sjwarren66 Posts: 16
    We have a monthly pitch-in to celebrate b-days/anniversaries. One of our coworkers makes beautiful and delicious cupcakes. Since a number of us are on MFP, she brought in the recipe and added to the MFP datatbase. I divided mine in half and shared it with another. It is possible to take part without overdoing it - and the treat doesn't need to be eaten in one day...
  • marydee72
    marydee72 Posts: 51
    For me, I think about how I feel before I eat something like that (great! Healthy! Happy!) and how I WOULD feel if I gave in. (Sluggish, nauseated, headachey, disgusting, like I let myself down, like I want to eat more and more and more)

    It isn't worth giving in at all, for me. Because ultimately one is never enough. One will lead to a binge. A binge will lead to self destruction of something I am working very hard at.
    So, as your friends have said, be strong and step away from the brownies and know it really isn't worth it.

  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Cruel and unusual punishment.

    Maybe add an extra 15-30 minutes to your workout today--and half a brownie.
  • rhapsody527
    rhapsody527 Posts: 60
    You can do it! Make sure you leave your money at your desk so you don't give in on your way to the bathroom!