Never Give Up!

CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
I'm looking for anyone else out there who is seeking support and motivation to lose weight and GET FIT by sharing motivational thoughts, encouraging words, tips and ideas.

Please post your stats (starting weight, goal weight and progress) or we can just encourage and support each other! I'm not giving up! Please join me!! :)

My Stats:
Starting Weight (SW): 165
Current Weight (CW): 162 (-3)
Goal Weight (GW): 132


  • talpilon
    talpilon Posts: 25 Member
    Starting weight: 337lbs
    Current Weight: 265lbs ish (I'm scared to look at the scale)
    Goal Weight: 199lbs (I'd just like to be under 200lbs and then we'll see from there).

    I had lost about 120lbs for my wedding last September and was at 220lbs. Gained a good 45lbs between our honeymoon, Christmas, disappointment over trying for a second baby.

    I just went to the store to buy some new jeans (my old ones were really tight) and almost burst into tears when I realized I had to buy two sizes bigger. I have to get back on track now...
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    I understand! I had lost weight and regained it too.... But you are doing amazing! What helps motivate you the most???!
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm just refusing to give up and I finally am starting over again... but that's ok. As long as I am trying to move in the right direction, I believe I will get there, eventually!
  • talpilon
    talpilon Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks. I need to find something to motivate me now. For my wedding it was because of my wedding dress. I had to lose the weight or else I wouldn't fit in my dress and there would be no wedding lol.

    Now, I just need to find myself a goal or motivator. Something big enough. I have a daughter and my hubby tells me that my motivation should be to be healthy for my daughter, but I need something else to motivate me too. Does that make sense?
  • steffirae76
    steffirae76 Posts: 54 Member
    talpilon wrote: »
    Starting weight: 337lbs
    Current Weight: 265lbs ish (I'm scared to look at the scale)
    Goal Weight: 199lbs (I'd just like to be under 200lbs and then we'll see from there).

    I had lost about 120lbs for my wedding last September and was at 220lbs. Gained a good 45lbs between our honeymoon, Christmas, disappointment over trying for a second baby.

    I just went to the store to buy some new jeans (my old ones were really tight) and almost burst into tears when I realized I had to buy two sizes bigger. I have to get back on track now...

    Bless your heart. I know the feeling. Its good to see you are getting back on track though. I had also lost a great deal of weight only to pile it right back crazy is it that we do that to ourselves? But this time I refuse to allow food to control me..Im done! I stoppped allowing nicotine to control my life so I can do this too!
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    Yes, it does.... I think we know we "need" to get fit for our health, our kids, etc. but it helps to have something that makes us WANT to lose weight and get fit. I want to feel good about how I look... I mean, we need to LOVE OURSELVES now, and be ok with where we are but it doesn't mean I want to stay here....
  • steffirae76
    steffirae76 Posts: 54 Member
    My Stats:
    Starting Weight (SW): 264
    Current Weight (CW): 228
    Goal Weight (GW): 199...then we shall see where I wanna be after I get below 200
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2015
    Awesome, Steffirae! And congrats on the nicotine. That's a huge deal. I'm just deciding I WILL DO THIS. We have to motivate ourselves daily because the temptations are daily... So if you have something that motivates you, please share. For me, it's knowing my goal weight feels good. I haven't been there in years but I remember. And I want to be there again. So I'm working on it, one day at a time.
  • Sectionut
    Sectionut Posts: 19 Member
    I've been at this since November of last year. I had some very difficult things happen in my life including a divorce. I was about as low as it gets. I hated how I looked and felt, it was a struggle just to get myself out of bed. I managed to turn that into some small lifestyle changes that sort of set the rest in motion. I cut out all fast foot which was a lot of what I ate due to working retail. I stopped drinking pop completely as well. Once I started feeling a little better emotionally I started doing some exercise, weights and cardio. Before I knew it people around me were taking notice and asking how I was doing it. Truthfully I didnt know what I was doing, I was just trying to make better choices and trying to focus on something other than how awful I felt. Day by day, I got through and here I am almost 7 months later and 49lbs down. I came to the community because I need to keep this lifestyle going. I want to surround myself with people that will remind me why I started in the first place. As of late its been rough wanting to do things and I really need to keep going. Its great to read everyones stories, we all have struggles but we can get through, we WILL get through. Anyone is welcome to add and message me, we can keep each other going in the right direction.

    Starting Weight: 247lbs
    Current Weight: 198lbs
    Goal Weight: 180lbs??? Need to get rid of the belly fat! :smile:
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2015
    Wow. You are so right, it's important to STAY motivated and to associate (via MFP or anywhere) with people who are actively choosing to care about their fitness. Making healthy choices can be contagious.... It helps me just by reading everyone else's story. We CAN do this.....
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    Starting weight 211.9lbs
    Current Weight 204.8lbs (7.1lb loss)
    Goal weight 140.0lbs I will re-evaluate then

    I am disabled. I have a genetic disorder that affects my entire skeletal system. The added weight to my body only causes it to break down faster than it would if I were normal. You hear people say 'Oh i'm overweight but I'm healthy.' That is a never a true fact. When you are overweight you are causing your joints to break down. Depending on how overweight you are you can even change the shape of your bones. As someone who's bones grew wrong I really wish I would have gotten my head in the right place alot sooner than I have.

    I can no longer walk for exercise. I need a motorized cart to shop. Standing for more than 10 minutes takes more effort than anyone can see. Standing for a hour and I might as well be climbing a mountain. My grandmother had to have her ankles fused because of her weight. I know that I will most likely continue needing assistance in my mobility but I don't want to be bound to a wheel chair in my own home.

    So If you need motivation as to why you should loose weight and become more active then I challenge you to use the reason... 'because i can'
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thank you.... You are right. The extra weight we carry is hard on our bones and joints, etc. Every pound we lose is a pound our muscles, joints and bones don't have to carry.... :)
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    the quality of being able to grip something firmly;
    synonyms: persistence, determination, perseverance, doggedness, strength of purpose, tirelessness, indefatigability, resolution, resoluteness, resolve, firmness, patience, purposefulness, staunchness, steadfastness, staying power, endurance, stamina, stubbornness, intransigence, obstinacy, obduracy, pertinacity

  • Trapre1
    Trapre1 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    My Stats:
    Starting Weight (SW): 236 Jan 2015
    Current Weight (CW): 231 June 2015
    Goal Weight (GW): 199 - Onederland

    Turned 45 this week and I always look back at what I have accomplished in the past year weight-wise.
    I am working hard to get better results.

  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    I started the original journey a long time ago. Really I aimed for weight loss my first year at college. Promised myself a shopping spree to replace clothes if I got to 110 lbs. I was 112 lbs. Then I actually went away to school and mostly gained weight my third and fourth year. My first year working was the real kicker. I found myself suddenly at 152 lbs in a sedentary job. I joined My Fitness Pal, hit 120 lbs and then stopped again, getting back up to 149 lbs. I'm back, aiming for 115 lbs currently.

    SW: 152
    CW: 132
    GW: 115

    Weekends are extra tough in terms of consistency. I work bizarre hours. Occasionally I add in exercise, usually walking the dog, but I don't make it to the gym as much as I did the first time.

    My only friend whois active on my wall is my sister, but admittedly I went inactive for years.
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    SW: 335
    CW: 196.8
    GW: when I get rid of my love handles.

    My Philosophy: everyone has bad days, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. 1 stepp backward does not negate all the steps in the right directs. Just remember slow and steady wins the race.

    If any one need anymore cliches or motivation, just hit me up.
  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    :) Happy Birthday Trapre1! Looking back at my progress helps me too! Glad you are working on moving forward!!
    :) Song dragon- I can relate. I just hit a high mark in gaining back almost all I had lost... I know I need to work harder to maintain once i lose it again. It's takes a whole mindset maintain. We CAN get there and stay there. It takes work but it will be worth it.
    :) AndyMPanda - I agree, if we have a bad day, we don't have to stay there! We just need to pick ourselves up and keep going.

    We are choosing to work on our health and fitness and WE are not giving up!

  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member

  • CH2828
    CH2828 Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm counting calories and drinking my water...but I'm not exercising very much. I really haven't set any exercise goals yet. So, I'm going to post my weekly goals here...

    I think it helps to write out our goals and to share them for accountability and SUPPORT. If anyone else wants to share their weekly goals here too, please do!!

    My goals for this week, starting today, are:

    1. Count my calories and stay under my limit of 1350
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    3. Walk at least 3 days for at least 30 minutes... (I know, it's not much but you have to start somewhere!)
    4. Do my DAILY stretches and crunches (I try to do at least 25, again, it's a start.)

    My weight-loss goal for this week is to lose 2 Sunday, June 21. <3