The Cure for Short Height?

vilhelmcarlberg Posts: 12 Member
edited November 19 in Chit-Chat

"Most people stop growing taller soon after puberty, but more continue to grow. Researchers are starting to understand the mechanism behind this difference"

Don't know if they're saying that you can continue to grow after puberty and after 18 years of age. Some claim you stop growing at 25. Don't know which is right.

Another example is, in China, alot of people are currently having a height craze. Where they're undergoing surgery on their legs to extend their length. How can normal average citizens afford this? I have no clue. But obviously, there's a huge market that already exists in China for the desire to increase height. And this is how China have pursued the industry to satisfy the mass desire of the populace to increase a person's height

But, my question is, as huge the potential for the market for people who want to lose weight, there's a huge potential market for people who want to gain height, for men and women alike.

And Bovine Growth Hormone came so close, to achieving that. For the entire skeletal structure, every bone grows in syncrony, so that the person, having gained height, doesn't look abnormal, but like any regular tall dude or dudette. So, he passes as if he just continued to grow, no abnormally long legs like surgery would give him the appearance of.

If not for the bone cancer and the extra space in the head, failed growth of the brain to compensate for the additional space, to go along with the bone growth.


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