Looking for a buddy to help keep each other on track.

Hi i don't know anyone on here and was looking for a buddy. Its Day 2 for me and i need to lose at least 101 lbs.


  • exodus1811
    exodus1811 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, I'm on my third go at this. Currnelty on a 51 day streak and managed to knock off 11kg's or so (~24lbs). Have never bothered with the community thing on here but figured it was about time I did. Happy to chat about my experience so far if you'd like. Main ting I've learnt is to keep going for it!!!!
  • taffy83
    taffy83 Posts: 25 Member
    Well done, I normally last a few days and bad habits creep back in. I would love to hear about your experiences good and bad. If you don't mind me asking are you a christian?
  • exodus1811
    exodus1811 Posts: 14 Member
    lol in all my years of using this handle or others like it, no one has ever picked up the reference in it. I was raised going to church, yes.

    Good and bad experiences come and go, like all things in life. Motivation isn't usually the sole issue; patience has a lot to do with it for most people as well. Giving up smoking taught me that. I tried everything to give up cigarettes, most things twice. It took 7 or 8 attempts across a couple of years, but I haven't smoked in 5 years now. At the time, all I wanted to do was be rid of the habit, but trying every shortcut to get there just landed me back smoking again. The trick was being patient and sticking to it.

    Weight loss has been the same for me; I use to be quite fit (before the smokes and weight gain - odd how they go hand in hand). A few years back I got super fit, was running 10 - 15km's three times a week, weight training 6 times and filling in the gaps with random cardio. There's two problems with that though, one, it's a hell of a lot of work when you're working full time and two, it's not sustainable unless that's your job (some will argue, but having a family, working 50+ hours a week etc. I simply don't have 20 hours a week to train like I did then).

    I knew my problem was diet, saying that I was convinced what I was eating was ok and it was more to do with exercise - burning those calories I'd eaten. I was wrong. I found that it was not unlike low carb beer. Everyone raves about how much better it is if you're watching what you eat etc. And that's fine, if you have a couple of stubbies. Not so much if you drink the carton. I was actually eating relatively healthy foods, the problem was I was eating significantly too much. The first two times I was using MFP it worked 'ok'. Not brilliantly, but ok. I think I may have lost 4 or 5 kg's, tops. The minute I stopped I put the weight back on (because I stopped looking at what was going in my gob). I decided this time I had to do something; I saw a photo and realised just how big I'd gotten. I decided I'd have another crack. This time though, I promised myself to actually record things properly, use kitchen scales, set a reasonable exercise goal and tell people what I was doing. I don't tell people I'm dieting or anything like that. Diets are temporary; this was about a life change. Having said that, everyone has been supportive, those that aren't, well they can get nicked.

    So far it has worked well, which in turn has motivated me to push further. I remember at the start when I looked at the screen after completing my entry for the day, I thought 'no way am I going to lose 20kg's'. Well, here I am 51 days later and I'm over halfway there!

    Training wise I do a minimum of four days a week, usually five days (but so long as I make 4, I consider it a success). Training is around 40 - 50 minutes, about 2/3 cardio to 1/3 weights.

    That's me in a nutshell. I have bad diet days too, I try to plan them. Specifically training the morning (ie extended family lunches etc). I then watch the rest of the week like a hawk, but now watching it like a hawk is more like a normal week - measured, healthy and fufilling.

  • plo4u
    plo4u Posts: 14 Member
    I am doing this a second time and have been on for just over 2 months this time. I also am being more honest this time and found some good workout apps (I have never been big on exercising).
    My husband did it with me the first time but this time I am on my own so I could use all the motivation I can get!
    I have not been perfect the last 2 months and still need to get a kitchen scale to get really accurate but I'm trying my best and have a positive attitude about this so friend me if you need the support!
  • taffy83
    taffy83 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you both so much. I would like to add you both as friends if that is ok :)
  • plo4u
    plo4u Posts: 14 Member
    Accepted! Good luck to all of us!
  • binkztaah
    binkztaah Posts: 13 Member
    happy to help or chat also. When I found out I was having kids decided it was time to make a change myself. Lost 35kgs
  • taffy83
    taffy83 Posts: 25 Member
    That would be great :) well done
  • binkztaah
    binkztaah Posts: 13 Member
    Thankyou and keep up the good work. You will get there :)
  • Tayroe88
    Tayroe88 Posts: 11 Member
    Add me
  • taffy83
    taffy83 Posts: 25 Member
  • shancourcy16
    shancourcy16 Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me love to have more friends to keep each other motivated