Not sure how this works so all the help I can get the better :)

Hello everyone,
I'm new to MFP and would love any advice, friends, exercise routines or words of encouragement during this weightloss journey. I'm pretty stoked for this new chapter and am willing and ready to get serious :)
Any friend adds would be stellar for accountability and tips :)
Good luck on your journey everyone!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello and welcome. I dont have any tips or tricks , just get a food scale. Weigh everything you consume. Seriously, everything! ! Then log it all on here accurately and you'll be fine.
    Remember for weight loss, all thats needed is a calorie deficit. Its that simple. So be sure your actually eating at a deficit by weighing everything you consume.
    If you eat at a deficit youll lose weight.
    As far as exercise goes, find something you enjoy or at least can tolerate and do it! !
    Best of luck to you !!!!
  • arelirmrz
    arelirmrz Posts: 12 Member
    Tip: Make your food diary public to mfp friends so they can see what you are eating. You will think twice what's on your plate if you know you have someone looking out for you!