P90X success stories?

Sedonafan Posts: 26 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone! I am dying to try P90X, as I am tired of being heavy and taking "baby steps" to getting thin. I'm not getting results, and taking the easy way out is how I got fat in the first place. Anyone else try p90x? Anyone succeed? What weight were you (around) when you started? Anyone do it while they were still fat?


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Right here! Only one way to do it, and that is to do it! One foot in front of the other!
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    I just completed Day 6 of P90X - Lean Program and I love every minute of it!!
  • mcaballe
    mcaballe Posts: 1
    I've just started and am on my 2nd week. Its challengng, but i've seen results fairly quickly and am noticing increased strength and endurance! I firmly believe following the diet is key in addition to the workouts.
  • TAMMY_76
    TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
    I am starting my last month of p90x..(a little over 60 days)...I have lost 14 pounds in them 60 days doing classic..I love p90x
  • lachelita
    lachelita Posts: 5
    hello, today is the start of my second week in p90x (classic) the first week i was so sore that going up or down the stairs seemed impossible. today i felt good doing it. i was able to complete more reps (not fully - but you have to modify and not overdo it) i already notice that my weakness is the push up so i try to balance it out by doing it with my knees on the floor and then on my toes again. i also have to buy heavier weights. i started with 5lbs and they feel like a tease (lol) on my muscles. so far, i really like it and i think you would like it too. good luck and go for it.
  • FrodoB
    FrodoB Posts: 19
    I just finished my first round. P90X absolutely works, but you've got to go all in. Most workouts are 55 or so minutes. On strength days you include Ab RipperX which is another 15 minutes, and YogaX is 90 minutes. 90 days doesn't seem like a long time, but it requires a definite lifestyle change (at least it did for me). And my round was actually longer than 90 days. I extended the first phase for a couple weeks while I learned the exercises and built up some cardio. I recommend doing that for most people. And it is possible that you get sick one week or miss a couple workouts and need to repeat a week. Suddenly three months is closer to four months.

    I mention all that because by the time I got to the middle of the program it felt like I had been working out forever and the end was nowhere in sight. I understand most people never finish the program. So be aware you might be tempted to quit at some point. But don't! Tell yourself right now you are going to work through it. By the end of the program, you'll be in so much better shape then when you started you won't believe it. Good luck.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Yes, I've done it twice. Great results. You can check my profile for pics. :-)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I just finished my first round and didn't see much weight loss but I did see plenty of inches lost! I started at 204 and finished at 193 so only about 11 pounds. I lost almost 20 inches though and dropped a pants size so I'll take it. I have to admit that I didn't do it as faithfully as I could have as I almost never did the weekend workout and didn't do the yoga (subbed other things for that one.)

    I've just started my second round and am dedicated to doing all the yoga this time. I probably still won't get the weekend workout in (KenpoX) but since I do Taekwondo twice a week I think it will be fine. I don't follow their nutrition plan or calorie levels as they wanted me to eat WAY to many calories. Their aim is to build fitness and muscle, mine is to lose weight and gain fitness. I have a HRM that I wear when I workout so I just create my own exercises and use that calorie count along with MFP's calorie guidelines.

    One suggestion I have is make sure you go into this thinking realistically. When I started I knew there was no way I would look like the "after" pictures in just three months! I had already decided it would take me two, more likely three rounds before I am anywhere close to what I want to be. So far I'm right. :)

    Another aspect of being realistic is knowing that you'll need to modify many of the exercises. Your goal here isn't to do everything exactly as they do to begin with. You do them to the best of your ability and work on making progress. If you can't do the pushups, try to do as many good ones as you can on your toes first then switch over to your knees. If you can't even manage one, start on your knees but start somewhere! Women tend to have less upper body strength to begin with and if you're around 200 pounds you have to remember you're basically bench pressing that weight. If you haven't ever done that it's going to be tough!

    When I started the first round I could do pushup because I have to do 20 of them on my knuckles twice a week in TKD but it took me awhile to get there! Now I can do more of everything. It's very encouraging to look back at my first day numbers from round one and compare them to my "first" day numbers of round 2 and see that I've made HUGE strides in every area!

    Oh and if you find that a workout like Plyometrics it too tough either sub it for a different one (I think he suggests CardioX) or modify the heck out of it. I have knee issues but I like the Plyo DVD so the exercises that I just can't do, I don't! The ones I can do modified, I modify.

    Listen to your body and adjust according to what you need. Don't hurt yourself, don't be all superhero and over do it but push yourself to excel and the program will work with you to get you where you want to be.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm on week 2 so I'll get back to you about long term success, but already I have noticed changes. My pants fit better. I have better endurance. I'm not as sore as week 1. I recommend it. I'm also not following the recommended diet they have because I am a vegetarian, but I feel great anyway.
  • ncavers33
    ncavers33 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys I have a question. I started training w/P90x as well. How are you guys logging your exercise from it. I noticed none of the P90x routines are listed on here...
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    I am on day 4 of p90x and loving it! I am also following the nutrition plan, modified between the caloric requirements on level 1 and level 2. The formula had me on level 3, but I know that is way too many calories for me. I feel better already. I am less moody and don't get that afternoon crash. I am sure it is from eliminating refined sugars and carbs. I did my regular workout at the gym yesterday along with my p90x and had so much more energy and felt like a different person. I can't wait to see the results on the scale tomorrow (my official weigh in day). Diet is key to any weight loss/exercise program. You will not lose weight simply from exercising, you need to modify your diet.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hey guys I have a question. I started training w/P90x as well. How are you guys logging your exercise from it. I noticed none of the P90x routines are listed on here...

    Use a heart rate monitor.
    Go to Exercise tab, then enter P90X Cardio X, a message will pop up that says it's not in the database, towards the bottom of the screen click on: Can't find what you're looking for? Add an exercise to the database. Then add in the name, time, and calories burned.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    My husband and I did P90X last year. It was great. We both lost some weight. I lost about 8 pounds, and gained muscle (especially in my armsand chest which were puny). I gained alot of flexibility and my endurance went through the roof. I'd run 3 miles at 4.7 (I am short and middle aged), like it was nothing.

    Unfortunately,we stopped P90x after round 1. My husband hurt himself by ripping a muscle doing P90X and he also hurt his shoulder and knee on his receational hockey team. I found out that I had a hernia (which I still haven't gotten fixed). The doctor didn't want me doing too much hard lifting or sit ups until I got it fixed. So, we left P90X, I didn't keep it (or any exercise) up...:-(

    I will tell you that it's super important to eat right and to take your vitamins. You will not get the best results, and you will not last through the program without it.

    After stopping, I gained back the 8 pounds, plus about 5 more. That sucks. So, I'm back to doing something every day and dreaming of my operation which I will try to have next year when the kids will not jump on me.

    I started back up with the Yoga two Saturdays ago. It has it all, and I really love Yoga. I don't think I want my arms to grow any more, so those arm videos are not for me. Now, I plan to play with the P90X videos and add other stuff I enjoy (racquetball, skating, running) to it. I'm also thinking of joining a YOga class.

    What I'm trying to say, is that you'll learn alot about your body and what it can do during P90X. It will take you places where you never thought you'd be. But, to lose weight, you've got to eat the calorie goals. Too little, and you're body will revolt. Too much, and the fat layer will stay there to not expose the muscles.

    P90X is the ultimate. Just do it.

    My photos are on my site. To be the true before/after....that's a few rounds of P90X.
  • IdaBetances
    IdaBetances Posts: 79 Member
    I am on round 2 of P90 X...I finished round one about a month ago and took pic..you can add me and look in my pic. I lost around 10 pounds but I have to be honest, I wasn't completly faithful to the program or the diet, so I think I could have looked better after the 90 days :blushing: thats why I started again. Still, I lost some weight and I am happy with the program.
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