40+ and loving it!

turning 42 in 1 month and it's true, life is getting better! Now that I started exercising and eating better, I feel great! It's been hard losing the weight but when you get over that initial hurdle it gets better. You see results and that is what encourages you to keep going. Don't give up!


  • scary_mary73
    scary_mary73 Posts: 52 Member
    I turned 42 in January! I love being in my forties! :)
    I may not be as fit as I was when I was younger but that is something I am working on!
  • SarahRand2015
    SarahRand2015 Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you! I had a hard time turning 40,but now feel good about it. I see it as a second chance at life. A better life!
  • nneretin
    nneretin Posts: 5 Member
    I just turned 50 and feeling better than ever. Life definitely gets better with the clarity of an adult mind! Loving this app. Particularly like the weight prediction in five weeks. That keeps me going!
  • dewilisa0549
    dewilisa0549 Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 42 and I feel great! I started running at 38 and set the goal of being more fit in my 40s than my 30s. Becoming addicted to running has helped me achieve that goal. Being in t my 40s rocks!