I ate an entire bag of nibs this weekend...

So Saturday morning I thought to myself, "I've been making progress, I should get a treat!" So I bought one of my guilty pleasures, Twizzlers Cherry Nibs, the 400g bag. I started eating it on Saturday afternoon, and now its sunday evening and almost all of the bag is gone. I didn't realize I had eaten so much of it until I looked at the bag and only like a 1/5th of it is left. What should I do?!!! I feel SO guilty. An entire bag has like 1,400 calories.


  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    I love Twizzlers. But - live & learn. Don't give up on your goals, but maybe don't buy a bag of Twizzlers for a while. Get some progress going and you'll feel stronger. Guilt won't help you. Just move on and keep your eyes on the prize - lost weight!
  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    That's okay, I ate too much cake. Don't assume you've blown your progress and you may as well just quit. It was one weekend out of many. Whatever it does to the scale -- if anything -- will go away and the numbers will smooth back out.

    Don't worry about it.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Log them and move on (just weigh whatever's left and subtract that)

    And next time weigh and log your portion ...you don't get to just eat that kind of stuff mindlessly ...cos 1400 calories