6'00" ladies...what's your goal weight?

any tall ladies want to share their goal weight? I began this in October at 250 and I currently weigh 183. I'm having a lot of friends and family tell me that it's enough and I shouldn't lose anymore but my goal is 160. Should I reevaluate?


  • CrashDietKirsty
    CrashDietKirsty Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there!
    I'm 6'1! I honestly believe you should go with how you feel.. its your body and your life! I weigh 140, at the end of my weight loss journey and people have been telling me enough since around 170.
    Don't aim for a weight, aim for where you feel confident and happy! If you aren't happy now and want to lose a bit more, then it's not up to anyone else :)
    Good luck!
  • AaricaCucco
    AaricaCucco Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'10" and was happy at 160. I was really twiggy looking at 140 (prior to kids) but it's all about how you feel and what you want to be to make you feel good! Keep up the good work! I'm striving to get down to 170. Kids and depression will do a number on a girls body! Lol
  • MaggotPig
    MaggotPig Posts: 89 Member
    At 6' and 183lbs, I'd think that you're in the healthy range for BMI?

    I'm 6'1", I started at 25st 5.9lbs (355.9lbs) and I've always said that my initial goal is 15st (210lbs) and then I'll reevaluate, with the aid of a professional if necessary. Currently 249.6lbs so still a way to go!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm 5'11" (and ¼), I got down to 165, my original goal, and still wanted to lose weight (so like 155-160). Since then I've regained about 15lbs and am on the border of healthy/overweight again. Now looking back I think I'd be happy even at 165 again. Hopefully I can get back to being there, or just a hair under that. I think a lot of it is how you carry your weight. I don't have a lot of muscle, so any fat I have is still pretty obvious. Some ladies look killer at 190-200, so it just depends.

    People also told me to stop ever since I got under 200, but they were used to me being much heavier. Even after I maintained and gained a little back, people kept accusing me of losing more weight. So you can't put too much stock in how perceptive other people are.
  • thewritingviolinst1
    thewritingviolinst1 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 6'2 (sigh) and I've struggled with anorexia for several years. My lowest weight was about 130 (yikes) and my doctors keep me around 180ish!
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    6'1, currently at 143, targeting 130 (it may sound low, but I have a super small frame)
  • pdwhitlock
    pdwhitlock Posts: 83 Member
    wbandel wrote: »
    I'm 5'11" (and ¼), I got down to 165, my original goal, and still wanted to lose weight (so like 155-160). Since then I've regained about 15lbs and am on the border of healthy/overweight again. Now looking back I think I'd be happy even at 165 again. Hopefully I can get back to being there, or just a hair under that. I think a lot of it is how you carry your weight. I don't have a lot of muscle, so any fat I have is still pretty obvious. Some ladies look killer at 190-200, so it just depends.

    People also told me to stop ever since I got under 200, but they were used to me being much heavier. Even after I maintained and gained a little back, people kept accusing me of losing more weight. So you can't put too much stock in how perceptive other people are.
    wbandel wrote: »
    I'm 5'11" (and ¼), I got down to 165, my original goal, and still wanted to lose weight (so like 155-160). Since then I've regained about 15lbs and am on the border of healthy/overweight again. Now looking back I think I'd be happy even at 165 again. Hopefully I can get back to being there, or just a hair under that. I think a lot of it is how you carry your weight. I don't have a lot of muscle, so any fat I have is still pretty obvious. Some ladies look killer at 190-200, so it just depends.

    People also told me to stop ever since I got under 200, but they were used to me being much heavier. Even after I maintained and gained a little back, people kept accusing me of losing more weight. So you can't put too much stock in how perceptive other people are.

    I feel the same way you do. Im no longer considered overweight but I would like to get away from the borderline weight were I may go back and forth between "overweight" and "healthy". I think I'm going to aim for the 160s then just continue at maitenance and toning. Thanks!

  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    Bump! :smile: I'm 6'0" 25/F and I am 180.6 as of today. A few people have told me already that I don't need to lose more weight, but they haven't seen me in a bikini :neutral: . I've yoyo'ed a lot. I've been a "skinnyfat" 140 and looked great, I've been a fit and muscular 160 and looked great, but right now I'm aiming for a fit and muscular 155 because when I was 160 I had a bit of belly yet (and I'm shooting for abs). Feel free to friend me! I am a collector of tall friends :lol:
  • ramepithecus
    ramepithecus Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 6'1", currently at 165, which is pretty much fine, but aiming for about 155 because 148-155 is historically where I felt best/ was most fit. 128 is way too low - about where I was in High School (no eating disorder I just got tall without getting heavier).
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I'm 6', my first big goal is 180. I don't know what a healthy weight is for me. I'm currently 193 and it certainly feels like I'll need more than 13 lbs loss to be where I want to be. After then I'll likely drop a bit more before building some muscle.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It depends on your frame size, build, etc. Ask your doctor(s) for goal weight suggestions.

    I am either 5'10" or 5'11" depending on who measures and my goal weight is 190. I have been this weight before. For my frame, it is quite thin.
  • mmmskyler
    mmmskyler Posts: 21 Member
    I have been under the impression that I was six feet tall until recently, when a doctor's nurse told me that I was actually 5'9. Regardless, my goal weight is 140/135 lbs. I previously was 140lbs and felt great and would like to get back to that range. I'm currently 170lbs and this is after about 75 total pounds lost.
  • dbienz
    dbienz Posts: 188 Member
    las07s wrote: »
    Bump! :smile: I'm 6'0" 25/F and I am 180.6 as of today. A few people have told me already that I don't need to lose more weight, but they haven't seen me in a bikini :neutral: . I've yoyo'ed a lot. I've been a "skinnyfat" 140 and looked great, I've been a fit and muscular 160 and looked great, but right now I'm aiming for a fit and muscular 155 because when I was 160 I had a bit of belly yet (and I'm shooting for abs). Feel free to friend me! I am a collector of tall friends :lol:

    This is so similar to my story! I am 5'11.5" and I've been a "skinny fat" 153 lbs and a muscular 160. My goal weight is a muscular/fit 155. I felt good at 153 but I wasn't what I would call "in shape". When I was 160 I was a competitive volleyball player and working out like crazy. I think somewhere in between is perfect for me!
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    5'10 1/2, at goal, 150. I'm a size 6/8 US. I'm not very "fit" or "muscular".

    To me, I'm happy if I'm in single digit clothes. BMI around 21.5ish...
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm 5'11 1/2, my goal is set to (I think ) 175, the lowest I've ever been was 187 (for like 2 minutes, post-surgery) and I'm currently like 194. It's so personal to where you feel comfortable. I know I could be a smidge healthier and more satisfied if I was 180 or so, but I don't really mind where I'm at now. I work out regularly and my fitness is probably as good as it's ever been. See how you feel as you go down each couple of pounds, but don't be too focused on the specific number, just see how you're feeling.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I'm 6', started at 220, got as low as 160, and 170 seems to be a comfortably sustainable weight for me (usually). I was about 130 as a young adult, can't imagine that now! Body composition and your personal physiology makes a huge difference with goal weight. It's probably safe to ignore folks that tell you that you've lost enough already, unless said folks are your medical professionals or others who would be actually qualified to give their opinion.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my goal is around a strong 180. My doctors all just want me at about 200. I'm also large framed and gain muscle easily. Many things for tall girls depend on bone structure, so my 150 probably doesn't look like your 150. I don't think the difference isn't as huge if you're say, 5'2".
  • purplefishes
    purplefishes Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'11 and shooting for 150 (though I'd settle for 160 as I'm nearly 40 and should maybe accept that my tiniest days are behind me) - I don't have a super muscular frame, but I'm built pretty solidly. I agree that tall girls have a wider range of weight than shorter women, simply because we have more vertical inches of our different builds.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    5'11" and my goal is 140-145. I am currently between 150-155. I'm pretty okay with where I am now, but I look better a little lighter. I'm focusing more on fitness than weight loss ATM.
  • pdwhitlock
    pdwhitlock Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you SO much. I'm glad to see that tall women have such a wide range of healthy goals. I don't want to feel to skinny but would like a muscular build. I think I can maintain healthy weight of 160. I'm 172 now.