tips to hold onto motivation

honeydew22 Posts: 13 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
I always seem to find my motivation and run with it for about a week. Then, something comes up, and it's gone.

What do you do to keep your motivation consistent?! Any tips would be helpful :)


  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Motivation is fleeting. Discipline is not.

    To steal from my own blog:
    It didn't matter what was going through my head as the subway approached the stop where I got off. A lot of mornings the doubt nibbled at me: I'm too tired. My feet hurt. I slept lousy. The weather sucks. I don't want to. And yet, when the doors opened on the subway, my legs got under me and got me moving before I had a conscious moment to stop it. Walking was now a main driver for me, above whatever else I felt.

    If your "gym days" are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you GO - not because of motivation, but because that's what's required to get the results.

    Exercise is a habit that will strengthen your life. You're doing yourself no favors by not doing it.
  • 43482326
    43482326 Posts: 24 Member
    Just keep pushing through even when you don't want to and even when mess up for a day or a week you keep trying. Eventually a healthy lifestyle won't be something you need motivation for it'll become part of your life.
  • honeydew22
    honeydew22 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you make very valid points! Appreciate the input
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Motivation requires planning.
    Five Steps to Your Weight Loss Goal.

    1. Program yourself for success: Set a very specific goal.
    Remember that losing weight requires a change in thought and behavior, so set goals for your emotions and weight.
    Don't just set vague goals like, "I want to lose some weight." Be specific: How much weight do you want to lose? How do you want to feel? Close your eyes and visualize yourself after you've reached those goals. Use this visualization to feel commitment and inner strength.

    2. Get a plan.
    Work out a detailed strategy because willpower doesn't work! To lose weight and keep it off, you must have a strategy.
    Plan ahead: Get rid of your expandable clothes, stay away from fast food, and keep healthy food in your pantry.

    3. Identify small, measurable steps.
    Implement steps that will fit your lifestyle, not somebody else's.
    Be sure to move toward a positive goal, not just away from being fat. Every step you take will bring you closer to being who you want to be.

    4. Create a healthy, realistic timeline.
    Where will you be in a month? Six months? A year? Fit your goals to your calendar, and stick to it.
    Don't expect to see huge results overnight; take the time to change your lifestyle, and you'll change your weight.

    5. Create meaningful monitoring and accountability.
    If you know you have to report your progress to someone, you'll be more likely to stick with your plan.
    "Go public" with somebody you trust. Find support when you need it, and celebrate your victories!
  • honeydew22
    honeydew22 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Francis! I guess just building the habits is what's important. Thanks again!
  • honeydew22
    honeydew22 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks RodaRose! That's very helpful
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I find it baffling you cnat last longer thna a week. It says on your ticker you have lost 19 so well done on that, but surely that took some time, so you managed it once? The motivation are the reasons that persuade you to start to lose weight eother because they are pishing or the advantages are pulling you to do so. Understand what they are and why you are doing the weight loss. I cannot see those reasons will have changed from the time you start to the time you finish. When your motivation lapse arrives you need to consider why you are changing away from your desired objective? Have the reasons become any less important, at some stage it becomes a choice, continue on the basis you wnat to achieve your goal or choose not to because youd prefer another goal such as not dieting etc.

    Its very importnat that when that moment comes you are ready for it and if its your desire, then you are able to respond by telling yourself you want to achieve your weight loss target or you do not. It becomes that clear a choice.

    Also from the list, its a good idea to keep reminding yourself that the weight loss journey will take some time 1lv a week gives a rule of thumb idea how long it could take. That readies your mind for a journey in months and maybe years instead of being impatient and thinking days or a few weeks.

    Log every day
    Set yourself non weight targets to give yourself the idea of progress and not get scale obssessed.
    make sure your plan incorporates good practice and suits your needs.
    One day at a time.
    Believe you cna and will get from A to B adapting to any bumps.
  • honeydew22
    honeydew22 Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thank you tigger! It's been 19lbs over 7 months. I was on weight watchers and I feel like I would track and be motivated one week, and then get frustrated or whatnot, lose motivation, and stop tracking/caring the following week. It was/is like a vicious cycle.

    Appreciate the help/support!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Take it one day at a time and really focus on your list of assigned tasks.
    i.e log food, maybe even prelog
    Do any exercise

    etc, just focus really hard on that day, someone said put a x on a calendar and keep the streak going.

    If you understand why you are doing soemthing it becomes illogical to stop unless something has changed. If the reasons were good yesterday then they will stand the next day and the next until soemthing changes.

    If you get frustrated thats different from the reasons you are doing soemthing. learn to adapt and overcome rather than cave in and give up, which tbh is a bit weak and not in your interest becayse it doesnt get yu where you wnat to go. Break the cycle or dont let it happen. Whilsy i can empathise upir way is alien to me and one id instantly reject in my head becayse it doesnt get me where I want. If you wnat it badly enough you will grit your teeth and get past it tbh its not hard, its just asking you to moderate, eat a bit less and move a bit more. it cna be a bit dull though.

    Keep at it, believe in yourself and be brave.