new to this

My name is heather, trying to loose 100+ pounds


  • leahmarietopping
    leahmarietopping Posts: 7 Member
    Hello ☺
  • Jai678
    Jai678 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, Heather! I admire your goal! :smile:
  • amayanw222
    amayanw222 Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure really how to do this, but I'm trying
  • lorryt41
    lorryt41 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there Heather , new to this too but am sure we will all get to our goals in time !
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Heather, I been at this for awhile, fell off the bandwagon and got back on in the last month or so. It's really very simple, put your macros (weight/height/activity level) into the app or webpage and it will tell you the calories you should eat a day. Try not to go too much below that number or else it could make you sick. Exercise of course helps and will speed up the weight loss. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, and remember to never give up if this is what you really want.
  • Iron_Mommy
    Iron_Mommy Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Heather! (^^What she said) :smile:
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    Hi! I'm Melanie. There's a learning curve to eating a balanced diet and being active on a daily basis. Read, learn and try! You'll find what suits you best.
    I log everyday and I message friends who don't show up in a while. Feel free to add me :)
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    Hi Heather, I been at this for awhile, fell off the bandwagon and got back on in the last month or so. It's really very simple, put your macros (weight/height/activity level) into the app or webpage and it will tell you the calories you should eat a day. Try not to go too much below that number or else it could make you sick. Exercise of course helps and will speed up the weight loss. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, and remember to never give up if this is what you really want.

    Weight/height/activity level would be her stats. Macros (macronutrients) are carbs, protein and fat. MFP sets them at 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein. You can play around with those numbers depending on your workout routine and goals. Lowering the carbs a bit and increasing the proteins (ex.: 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein), paired with strenght training will help reev your metabolism and burn more fat.