Good morning1 I have been back on the site now approx. 40 something days. True supporters are heard to find. I am looking for more people to join me on this journey that are willing to give as much as receive. It is a two way street. We all know that encouragement makes a huge difference in our success. Today is also day one of the South Beach Diet for me! very pumped about it! Look forward to hearing from you!! With God's help, we can do this!!



  • paublina
    paublina Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Steph! I'm Paulina and finding supporters is a hard thing to do for me because I'm so shy! I've been on keto for a year and some months and it's worked great for me. I've been logging my food religiously for almost 70ish days. I started exercising almost every day about a month and a half ago and just bought a fitbit. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  • NewMe139
    NewMe139 Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning, Stephanie. I spotted your post and wanted to encourage you on your journey. Although I don't know if I can be or want to be that day in/day out person that you need, I will be happy to listen if you want to vent. I say this because I was diagnosed a few years ago (after suspecting it for many more) that I am ADHD, and there may be a block of time where I won't be consistent. Not something an adult female wants to admit. I also am an anxiety eater. But I love to give advice, and according to my friends, am pretty good at it. I believe and hope that I am at that place where mentally, I can begin this journey. I had spinal surgery on May 27th, and it was a great experience and am recovering well. But it's will be a year before I am 100%, and I have no patience. I was also diagnosed with lupus - the chronic kind, not the kind that kills you. The road ahead is encouraging for me, and I hope it is for you as well. Signed, Cyn
  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    Hey, I like motivation, support and just down right telling when my diary is slipping. I am trying to build muscle and loose or eliminate last few belly and thigh rolls! Add me if you like, diary is open