anxiety , depression, panic attacks...

marcosdt10 Posts: 77 Member
Hello everyone .. Im marcos ☺I am very thankful that I found myself again... For the past year or so , iv been going through some tough ***** , dealing with anxiety, panic attacks, and mild depression.... I thank god and my family for helping me pull through .... Im back doing what i love doing and this is what makes me feel my #BEST.. And that is lifting and eating right... It was very tough for me to get to where I am today... I became very anti social and all I wanted to do was sleep sleep and sleep... The result of that was gaining 35 pounds of fat... And it didn't make my condition any better... There were times when I though maybe today would be my last day in this planet... I decided one day that enough was enough ...I headed to the gym with the fear of having another panic attack while I worked out but my motto after that was ***** fear ... For those suffering from mental disorders and or anything that is holding you back from achieving your goals.., believe in yourself , things will get better , stay active !! Sometimes youll feel like giving up... Fight through it and i promise that things will be better.. .. Feel free to add me


  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I can almost relate with you the past year has been tough and I seriously felt like I was losing my mind. I would start panic attacks for no reason at all. Well I am sure hidden reasons. I just posted this on my wall. I was the opposite I still had work everyday and instead of facing my issues I was being a complete *kitten* to everyone and happily hid in my bubble when I got home. I still worked out which I do at home that and MFP was the only thing I was truly content with. I am trying to get my head straight there is a lot of stuff to work through. Just because you look fine does not mean you are. We all have our demons and good on you for facing yours and bringing it to the attention of people. I will add you now =)
  • marcosdt10
    marcosdt10 Posts: 77 Member
    Your right its very scary, I never in a million years thought something like this would happen... People don't realize how serious it can be until they themselves experience it... Just accepted you request !!.. We are not giving up ,this is just making us stronger !! We keep in touch
  • nicoleexo2015
    nicoleexo2015 Posts: 98 Member
    I have struggled with severe anxiety and depression for many years. So I know how you feel. Even going to the gym was hard for me but I'm making baby steps. I try go to the gym late at night or very early in the morning to avoid the crowds.
  • JulieAnne11
    JulieAnne11 Posts: 2 Member
    My anxiety is terrible. Really terrible. So I totally relate with what you said. I've been working through and fighting my fears. Good luck to everyone!
  • Justina0535
    Justina0535 Posts: 7 Member
    I am dealing with really bad depression and anxiety and its hard to cope most days. I feel like such an *kitten* to everyone but I cannot help it. Working out has helped some with my anxiety, but the depression seems to keep dragging me further and further down. It is nice to have people to speak with and its great that you have a strong system in place for you! Keep pushing.
  • TasnimEz
    TasnimEz Posts: 280 Member
    I suffer from anxiety attacks and depression too. It became better for a while when I started losing weight and exercising but now it seems like it's starting to show it's ugly face again.. Strange how it can just sneak up on you like that.. :open_mouth:

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us and best of luck.
  • marcosdt10
    marcosdt10 Posts: 77 Member
    Best of luck to everyone ... We are not alone !
  • robagostinelli
    robagostinelli Posts: 16 Member
    I too suffer with anxiety and panic attacks. It is weird how it goes away for a long period of time and right when you think you have beaten it. Bam it just comes back again. But I'm thankful to say that when it comes back now it's less intense everytime now so maybe I'm on the road to recovery. I wish everyone good health and stay strong! It will pass!
  • thecurvynerd
    thecurvynerd Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    I know what your name. I suffer from extreme anxiety panic disorder. I also get worse if I go out and extreme heat or sun. Anyone else have this issue?
    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • UrnAsh_84
    UrnAsh_84 Posts: 41 Member
    I've been dealing with it for the last 15 years. Thank you for your post
  • marcosdt10
    marcosdt10 Posts: 77 Member
    I too suffer with anxiety and panic attacks. It is weird how it goes away for a long period of time and right when you think you have beaten it. Bam it just comes back again. But I'm thankful to say that when it comes back now it's less intense everytime now so maybe I'm on the road to recovery. I wish everyone good health and stay strong! It will pass!

    Yeah man I get you , same over here ... And its scary because you don't know what will happen .. Feels like your dying
  • marcosdt10
    marcosdt10 Posts: 77 Member
    I know what your name. I suffer from extreme anxiety panic disorder. I also get worse if I go out and extreme heat or sun. Anyone else have this issue?
    Feel free to add me if you like!

    I'm sorry to here that.... It sucks so bad ... Sometimes I feel like just giving a hug to everyone because I know how bad it feels , god bless and hope everything works well for you

  • marcosdt10
    marcosdt10 Posts: 77 Member
    EAsh84 wrote: »
    I've been dealing with it for the last 15 years. Thank you for your post

    Wow 15 years.... I have had it for almost 2 years now but its getting better
  • tintinsaab
    tintinsaab Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all. I have been there too. My anxiety is mostly related to some health issues I have, but of course the nature of anxiety is that it seeps into all areas of your life. Here are some things that helped me:

    Self Help for Your Nerves by Claire Weeks - fantastic book, a real life saver. I took this book everywhere.

    Stop Thinking Start Living by Richard Carlson is a good, easy to read cognitive therapy book that helps stop negative thinking.

    Jon Kabat Zinn - his books on Mindfulness were helpful. He has a good CD too with exercises that is very relaxing. A lot of these are on You Tube so no need to buy.

    The Destressify app is free and has lots of guided meditations. The Insight Timer is another app with free meditations, also Tara Brach has a website with Buddhist guided meditations.

    Tiny Buddha is a site with lots of articles about emotional issues (not really Buddhist though).

    Hope this helps. My anxiety has severely curtailed my ability to enjoy my life and family for the last 10 years, so if you are suffering, don't be like me and spend your life waiting for a disaster that is probably never going to happen - there are lots of resources out there to help you get better, start being proactive.
  • mhoeff1
    mhoeff1 Posts: 163 Member
    It is very troubling to deal with the attacks and depression . But we are all strong and will fight it !!!! Never did I think I would ever have something like this either Keep strong everyone and much success to all of you :)
  • tintinsaab
    tintinsaab Posts: 18 Member
    Just like you have to train your self to eat healthy food and exercise, in the same way you need to retrain your mind to let go of negative thoughts. One thing I found useful was not to fight panic - you just produce more adrenaline and feel worse. Let it go, let it wash over you, and it will subside on it's own. Dr Claire Weeks calls this 'floating through panic'.

    It's hard to get yourself out of negative thought patterns; just like it's hard to break bad eating habits. We get good at what we practise. I found it helpful to try to see my thoughts as neutral things - not good or bad - and not get pulled into the 'thought stream' when one thought leads to another. Notice your thoughts, but don't engage with them. Easier said than done, I know, but worth trying.

    The Anxiety Network is a good site with lots if resources and personal stories.
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    I have anxiety disorder for the last 3 years, started with having my first vodka and coke, didn't go so well, next day I woke up feeling weird and horrible, like anxious. Was scary as I didn't know what was happening to me, eventually it got so bad I thought i couldn't breathe properly, rang an ambulance eventually they told me I had anxiety, they gave me medication, I took a tab and my mind told me no as its making me worse, all I could think about was negative thoughts, my breathing (the worst is thinking about the breathing) I lost appetite, was bed bound for weeks, didn't want my child near me or my partner. I just wanted to die and get over this horrible feeling. Eventually I started to look into this illness and see what I could do. I started thinking about my little girl and wanted her near me, I put cartoons on her and immediately the cartoons were making me a little bit better, I'm guessing because it's colourful and "happy" I researched more on the Internet and found out being distracted helped, so I watched TV, played games etc. started helping me. Eventually I got up from my bed and started doing dishes etc. months down the line I learned enough and my anxiety slowly git easier to deal with.. It's been one heck of a long journey to get where I am now, I consider myself 90% cured from anxiety. The other 10% is still there niggling away at me but it's copable. I did this all by myself without the help of medicine, I had help from my partner and child. They kept me going! I'm going to give you guys the tips I used to get so much better..

    ✔️don't watch horrors/ any negative films, world ending etc!
    ✔️do not eat too much junk food, eat healthy!
    ✔️think positive thoughts!
    ✔️join groups with people in the same situation etc
    ✔️there is nothing wrong with you, your brain is just over reacting, you're not going to die!
    ✔️drink lots of water! (I don't right now, but I did when I was bad)
    ✔️have a fan blowing air in your face!
    ✔️keep your mind busy, play games, go out for walks!
    ✔️stay away from alcohol!
    ✔️do not drink caffeine!
    ✔️learn to live with the illness, you are better than this illness, accept it!

    Just by changing some things in my life, I live a lot easier and better, I feel like normal again! I actually manage a horror movie now and again! Sometimes I can feel the anxiety watching horrors though but if that happens, I turn it off and watch a comedy instead, helps a lot. I've been through this, I know what it's like and I'm proud of myself for getting this far and realising I'll never be cured of anxiety, I accept it now. I hope I can help someone suffering. You're not alone!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Was gong through the same thing a few years back when I started here. Through getting my mind, body, and spirit aligned, removing and reducing stressors, and better health I am able to control things. I still have bouts of depression, but I can identify it and deal with it better now that I have more clarity and health.

    Anyway, just throwing out my support for all those peeps going through that storm.

    Keep the faith and understand YOU WILL learn to control it and things DO get better.

    Stay strong.
    Stay AMAZING!
  • eshnna
    eshnna Posts: 109 Member
    I have anxiety disorder for the last 3 years, started with having my first vodka and coke, didn't go so well, next day I woke up feeling weird and horrible, like anxious. Was scary as I didn't know what was happening to me, eventually it got so bad I thought i couldn't breathe properly, rang an ambulance eventually they told me I had anxiety, they gave me medication, I took a tab and my mind told me no as its making me worse, all I could think about was negative thoughts, my breathing (the worst is thinking about the breathing) I lost appetite, was bed bound for weeks, didn't want my child near me or my partner. I just wanted to die and get over this horrible feeling. Eventually I started to look into this illness and see what I could do. I started thinking about my little girl and wanted her near me, I put cartoons on her and immediately the cartoons were making me a little bit better, I'm guessing because it's colourful and "happy" I researched more on the Internet and found out being distracted helped, so I watched TV, played games etc. started helping me. Eventually I got up from my bed and started doing dishes etc. months down the line I learned enough and my anxiety slowly git easier to deal with.. It's been one heck of a long journey to get where I am now, I consider myself 90% cured from anxiety. The other 10% is still there niggling away at me but it's copable. I did this all by myself without the help of medicine, I had help from my partner and child. They kept me going! I'm going to give you guys the tips I used to get so much better..

    ✔️don't watch horrors/ any negative films, world ending etc!
    ✔️do not eat too much junk food, eat healthy!
    ✔️think positive thoughts!
    ✔️join groups with people in the same situation etc
    ✔️there is nothing wrong with you, your brain is just over reacting, you're not going to die!
    ✔️drink lots of water! (I don't right now, but I did when I was bad)
    ✔️have a fan blowing air in your face!
    ✔️keep your mind busy, play games, go out for walks!
    ✔️stay away from alcohol!
    ✔️do not drink caffeine!
    ✔️learn to live with the illness, you are better than this illness, accept it!

    Just by changing some things in my life, I live a lot easier and better, I feel like normal again! I actually manage a horror movie now and again! Sometimes I can feel the anxiety watching horrors though but if that happens, I turn it off and watch a comedy instead, helps a lot. I've been through this, I know what it's like and I'm proud of myself for getting this far and realising I'll never be cured of anxiety, I accept it now. I hope I can help someone suffering. You're not alone!

    Mine never got as bad but I do most of this. It is such a horrible feeling but as yours, mine is almost gone.
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