Should I Power Through and Jog Or Wait?

Hello there!

So Monday I went for a Jog for the first time in, well, ever. I didn't last 5 minutes. Haha. Next morning, my thighs were sore! I ignored it as it wasn't that bad and went out for another jog on Tuesday. This time I only lasted about 2 minutes.

Anyway, I didn't run today as my legs are just so sore. It hurts to sit down! It does feel great when I walk; the pain completely goes away.

So, should I go for another jog tomorrow or could that be dangerous?

Thank you!


  • txbabes1
    txbabes1 Posts: 31
    Have you been stretching at all?
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    I think you should look into doing the C25K plan
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    Why don't you just try walking as far as you can? I started off walking until I was walking about 4 or 5 miles. I then started incorporating some jogging into my walks (distance shortened to about 3 miles and I would only run for about 30 sec but it was a start). I run and the last thing you want is to get shin splints. I had them and had to stop working out completely for 3 weeks! You can burn the same amount of calories walking. It just takes longer. Good luck! =)
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I think you should look into doing the C25K plan

    I agree!
  • carolynnjoy
    carolynnjoy Posts: 18
    Stretching makes a world of difference...also the couch25k is great if you want to jog. Go slow and is not a race jog where your body feels most comfortable....but push yourself a little...I am now up to 50 mins of jogging. Also only jog every other day.
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    Streaching will help some of the pain go away because you have what is called latic acid built up in your leg muscles now because you havent been physically active before it will pass with regular working out and its completely safe to jog day after day when they are sore. I presonally dont reccomed running everyday unless you are training for a event, IMO most normal runners can normally get away with running 3 - 4 times a week. But you must listen to your knees and back with running. Hope that helps
  • LyssaMarie13
    Make sure you are stretching before and after that will help. Some burning in your thighs is normal. It also helps me if I start out with a bit of a power walk for a couple blocks, then I start my run. It just get s you loosened up first! Also remember running is very mental! Whenever I want to stop I tell myself to keep going and that the pain is my body getting stronger. Your muscles getting sore is your body getting stronger. It's amazing how far you can push the human body before it's too much. So I would say go a head and push yourself! If it is just way to painful go a head and power walk! :smile:
  • Quieas
    Quieas Posts: 23
    I did stretch though it must not have been very effective. My stretch involves a 10 minute walk to the place where I jog. I also was doing a few squats (ouch ouch ouch!) and planks etc.

    I did buy the C25k app for my ipod and started trying it out on Tuesday. Once I'm able to run a little longer, I do plan on starting it seriously.

    Walking sounds nice... I have been curious to know where this particular trail takes me to. :bigsmile:
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    I would second the walking suggestion. The best thing to do when starting out is to start slow. Too many people think they can just put their shoes and start running after a long period of inactivity. If it is causing you that much pain you should not do it. Try walking for an hour instead. When that gets too easy walk a little faster. After you do that for month then consider trying jogging again or some other aerobic activity.

    Also depending on your weight jogging may not be the best starting activity as it can put a lot of unnecessary stress on your joints. You do make the jump you might want to look at low impact aerobics, cycling and/or strength training. Jogging or running is not the only even the best activity for most people. You can develop a perfectly healthy body without every running a single mile.

    Remember it's the tortoise that wins not the rabbit.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I think you should look into doing the C25K plan

    YES! I had my first run last night and I am not sore.
  • Quieas
    Quieas Posts: 23
    Thank you, Luthorcrow! I am at 140 at the moment and am wanting to loose only about 10 pounds for now. I will definitely go for a walk tomorrow!
  • Wolferocks2
    Wolferocks2 Posts: 23
    Lactic Acid build up is the cause of pain. Did you know that you do not have to jog/run for weight loss? Doing interval training on a treadmill has an even greater effect on weight loss than if you ran/jogged 30 minutes per day. To accomplish an INTERVAL TRAINING cycle on a treadmill, start out for a warm up of 3 minutes. Here comes the interval part of the equation. If you are walking easily at a pace of 3.5 (example), increase the INCLINE to 7.0 (yes, you have to breath) and the speed to 3.8.

    3 minute warm up
    1 minute of incline to 7.0 and adjust speed from 3.5 to 3.8 (yes, its an example and your speeds may differ)
    2 minutes of walk at 3.5
    1 minute of incline to 7.0 and adjust speed from 3.5 to 3.8
    Do this same cycle for 30 to 40 minutes. I really hate seeing people start off trying to kill themselves losing weight by doing aerobic exercises. Key to weight loss is interval training. No, Im not a FITNESS EXPERT nor am I rich. I did however, stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. hahahahaha

    Seriously though. Stop killing yourself trying to jog/run. It's far to much pressure on kness and hip joints if you are overweight. Start off with the INTERVAL cycle I posted above and watch the weight fly off if you are really watching your daily consumption. Have a good day!
  • Quieas
    Quieas Posts: 23
    Thank you for the suggestion, Wolfe. :happy:

    Unfortunately our treadmill likes to knock out the power in the entire house when started and we don't have a gym near us. But the suggestion is a good one and I greatly appreciate it!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    try a training program, although I didn't like it, couch to 5k is a decent plan. You can also visit and find training programs on there. I started running by doing cardio interval workouts using a series of mp3 called cardio coach. I just found the cardio coach to be a better fit for me although now I hear there is C25K music. Whatever you do a training program with breaks for rest is a good way to go!
  • Wolferocks2
    Wolferocks2 Posts: 23
    That's what it's all about!! Lil help here, lil help there,,,,mostly,,unwanted help everywhere! hahahaha.. Have a good un!

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  • AlissaPreuss
    Make sure you are stretching before and after that will help. Some burning in your thighs is normal. It also helps me if I start out with a bit of a power walk for a couple blocks, then I start my run. It just get s you loosened up first! Also remember running is very mental! Whenever I want to stop I tell myself to keep going and that the pain is my body getting stronger. Your muscles getting sore is your body getting stronger. It's amazing how far you can push the human body before it's too much. So I would say go a head and push yourself! If it is just way to painful go a head and power walk! :smile:

    I had to smile a bit when I read this I completely agree with a little pain is the body getting stronger. A good friend of mine in the Marine corps had a drill instructor who said "pain is weakness leaving the body" There is a good kind of hurt where you KNOW you worked out and it feels good to hurt and then there is the oh crap I've pushed too far.
    Listen to your body!
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    For starters, you need to be stretching really well after each jog and drink lots of water! The soreness is lactic acid built up in your muscles from new exercises they aren't used to and stretching helps get that acid moving. Water is an obvious, and protein will help your muscles recover. Continue running, but start with a warm up of 3-5 mins walking, run for 2-5 mins, walk again for 3-5 mins, and keep that interval until you hit 30-35 mins. Do this 3-4 tiems a week and increase the amount of running time and decrease the amount of walking time each week. You will start to build tolerance to running and fall in love with it.