2 week motivational drop-off

Hi everyone! I have a horrible habbit of loosing all motivation after about two weeks of following a nutritional/exercise program... even if it's working!! I'm down 5.6lbs in 2 weeks, which is reasonable, but I feel myself starting to slip. I am always extremely pumped when I start and am more excited than ever! Then it wears off!! My question is, how do I keep it fresh so I don't end up stopping??? I have great reasons for motivation, including wanting to fit into my wedding dress in October! What should I do?!


  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    Put up reminders all around you of why you are doing this! Do you like the exercise program you are doing? Set short term and long term goals and small (non-food) rewards for each one reached. You can always turn to us on MFP for support ;-)

    Btw - 5.6 lbs in 2 weeks is GREAT!

    Good luck!
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    Pictures help me. I actually bought a swimsuit and have it hanging on my wall in my living room within viewing from my couch! This is great motivation for me. It also doesn't hurt that my dog looks at me with sad eyes if I sit down when I come home from work instead of running with her. Her face is enough motivation for me to go for a run right after work.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    If you're doing great at getting pumped to start off, then break your journey into 2 week segments. At the end of 2 weeks, treat it like the "end" and see if you can get yourself mentally pumped up about starting the next 2 weeks and seeing how well you can do. Once you get going for a month or more, you will probably be into a rhythm and this temptation to slip will likely diminish.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    If you're doing great at getting pumped to start off, then break your journey into 2 week segments. At the end of 2 weeks, treat it like the "end" and see if you can get yourself mentally pumped up about starting the next 2 weeks and seeing how well you can do. Once you get going for a month or more, you will probably be into a rhythm and this temptation to slip will likely diminish.

    That is an amazingly awesome idea!! *LOVE*
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    It must be a thing with Brittaney/Brittany's to do this! Lol! I do this all the time too and any advice would be wonderful! Good luck to you, I start the JM 30DS tomorrow and hope I can stick with it!
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    i have my short and long term goals posted to my fridge. that way everytime i want a snack or food, i see what my goal is and make sure i grab the healthiest option. as for exercise, i have to mix it up. i have chalean extreme right now so i do a different workout every day of the wk with 2 days rest. but i also hit the gym everyday. and do whatever cardio machine i want for the day. and for a visual purpose i have a SUPER cute backless summer dress that is a tad too small. so i keep it as motivation to fit into THIS summer. not next one. lol.
  • flabfighter31
    flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
    Keep with it babes i know how you feel i do the same i lost weight the first two week then week3 nothing but this is week 4 and i think i am doing well just keep im mind your goal that fab wedding dress and think how fit you will be on your wedding night !!!!!:blushing: my motivation is a concert in nov with my sisters and they are a uk size 4 (yes she a rake) and the other is a size 8 and im a 16 so for one photo of sisters 3 im not going to be the big one, they live in england and wales and im in scotland so its going to be the first time they have seen me since i started this and i am determined to do it.

    ps dont worry if you fall off one day its not the end of it motivation tip take picture of dress pin it up and look at it everyday mines is a now photo and everyday i say that isn't me anymore so far only one day of the wagon not bad

  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    This sounds like a great idea! I'll try it!

    I do have a swimsuit hanging up in my bedroom, I see it every morning as soon as I wake up, and the last thing before I go to sleep. My problem, is after a while, it stops hanging there as motivation, it's just 'there' ....
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i think it's important to dial it down a notch when you start something new, especially a fitness or weight program. no one can maintain total "gung ho" for very long, and people get mentally and physically worn out and overwhelmed with the effort. what you are looking for is a long-term change. you want the good habits to become part of your life, not be something you look forward to finishing.

    it takes at least 3-4 weeks to really change a habit or for a new habit to really form. i say, stay dedicated to tracking your calories every single day and getting some regular exercise a few times a week, and do this for at least a month --- without fail. just commit to tracking all of your food and exercise. once that month goes by, you will be in the swing of doing it, it will have become a habit, and thanks to MFP, it will be completely obvious what you need to do to make changes. if you need to take your fitness efforts up a notch at that point, then take it up a notch.
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    one thing that keeps me going is reading everyone elses success and calculating how long it took them and then comparing it to my own, that way I have a rough estimate on how long this journey will take. Then once figure the time out I try and stay focused on reaching that week or month!!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    You're a LOT younger than me but you do have considerable weight to lose to meet your goal. You said your main concern is to fit into your wedding dress. That is a good goal post "along the way".

    I feel like I am being the wet blanket here so please take "my opinions" for what they are worth and do what you will with them. I am not sure if anyone has brought this up, but are you looking at this as a "diet" or a "lifestyle change"? My thought is if you look at it as a temporary state of being, you might lose interest because it is really hard to keep on track while "everyone else is having fun". But if you start arming yourself with research even just from mfp you can find more reasons besides "fitting into your dress" to help keep you on track.

    Things like how will you manage to keep the weight off after you meet your goal? You'll be headed on a honeymoon to maybe an exotic place where food and alcohol will figure heavily. After all this is your time to celebrate! Then at some point you may consider having children and you will want to be in good physical condition for getting pregnant, carrying your pregnancy without complications, and then again losing the weight after the birth. Contrary to some popular beliefs, the pregnancy weight just does not "fall off" on it's own, or with breastfeeding. Some women are lucky, but not all.

    You may want to consider these things in your goals because when you put your all into losing 70 pounds, the last thing you will want to see is the pounds coming right back on with a vengance which is what they will most likely do if you think you are "done" now that you lost the weight.

    You might want to examine the reasons why or how you got so overweight to begin with and work towards changing those patterns for a healthier future.

    I waited until I was 50 years old to START figuring these things out for myself and wish that I could take the knowlege I have now and turn back the clock 35 years. Good luck to you! You're off to a fantastic start; you'll do great!
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    I've found mini goals are very helpful to me this time around. I have them taped right next to my calendar so I see them every morning and every day when I come home. It's easier to stay on track when I'm working toward my next 15lbs instead of 60lbs.
  • ananda403
    ananda403 Posts: 32 Member
    I get bored with routine work outs, I don't know what you're doing but maybe try breaking it up. I've got zumba, kenpo karate, and yoga dvd's and ride my bike and take the dog to the park and stuff. I quit if I do the same thing everyday and it becomes a boring chore.