Just don't know how to balance the eating back

Hey guys. I just made my diary public, so maybe someone can check in on my foods and see why I can never ever lose weight anymore. I dropped 40 pounds and now I"m stuck, and have been suck forever and ever. The diary hasn't been consistent couple of weeks due to a funeral, and family visiting. Some weekends we have a couple of blow out meals...that never makes me gain weight..but no matter how good I am during the week i never lose any either anymore. Any thoughts on what you see? And yes I know...there are processed foods.


  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member
    Are you drinking plenty of water?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I went through a few days and quite honestly.. I don't think you're eating enough. Having 1000 calories for the day is - for most people - just too many calories leftover. You're burning a lot in exercise, I would try eating back my exercise calories and see if that helps. A lot of times when we hit a plateau, our bodies need us to do something different. I say try eating more for a couple weeks and see if that gets things moving again. You HAVE to eat in order to lose weight. Gotta put fuel in for it to give anything back. :)
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    your food dairy doesn't look that bad....although there are alot of calories left at end of day
    maybe try eating alittle more...?.....are you drinking water at all????
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I would suggest tracking your sodium intake, and eating more. If you're burning almost 1000 calories in a workout, it is really important to eat at least some of those back. An easy way to get some in is to make and bring a protein shake with you. I make one with 2 scoops and 2 cups of almond milk, it comes out to almost 300 calories and really helps after a workout. A lot of times eating more is what your body needs to get it back into weight loss mode. Best of luck to you!
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    What types of exercises are you doing? Do you do weights?

    I'm stuck at my weight as well but have gotten very lean.
  • mgriffin51
    mgriffin51 Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't looked at your journal yet, but I noticed that you mentioned your diet a lot but didn't mention your exercise routine. One major factor when a person stalls with weight loss is that your body will get used to your workout routine. If you do the same workouts over and over, eventually they will stop having as dramatic an affect on your body. Try mixing it up in the gym. Bike instead of run for a while, or add swimming laps. Maybe try taking an aerobic class or kickboxing. You can get through this! Have fun and don't give up!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I agree with the prior posters....track your sodium, try eating back at least part of your exercise calories and track how much water you're drinking.
  • pizzygirltx
    pizzygirltx Posts: 96
    I went through a few days and quite honestly.. I don't think you're eating enough. Having 1000 calories for the day is - for most people - just too many calories leftover. You're burning a lot in exercise, I would try eating back my exercise calories and see if that helps. A lot of times when we hit a plateau, our bodies need us to do something different. I say try eating more for a couple weeks and see if that gets things moving again. You HAVE to eat in order to lose weight. Gotta put fuel in for it to give anything back. :)

    I agree. I see a nutritionist and she always tells me that you have to eat enough to fuel your body. Cutting too many calories puts you at risk of starving your body. At that point, your body holds on to all the weight it can to prevent you from doing serious harm to your muscles and organs. I would suggest you start eating more calories for a while and see if you notice a difference.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks all! I started my journey as a sedentary stay at home mom. About 18 months into my journey I became a spinning and Body Pump instructor. So all those exercise calories are from teaching. I teach a minimum of 8 classes a week....just so it doesn't look like I'm some gym nut. LOL! It's money! :-D I am HORRIBLE HORRIBLE at drinking water. I only drink it when at the gym. I can never get an answer as to why that's so important. Whenever I try and drink more water, I bloat and the scale goes up. I drink the whole time I'm working out though. I don't have time to switch up my routine in that I already do 90-120 of working out for my job as it is! LOL! It's either spin or Pump. Here and there I'll try and throw in the elliptical or step aerobics etc. I don't know how I could eat even SOME of that back. That's a whole heck of a lot of food! protein shakes are a good idea. I'll look into that!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Thanks all! I started my journey as a sedentary stay at home mom. About 18 months into my journey I became a spinning and Body Pump instructor. So all those exercise calories are from teaching. I teach a minimum of 8 classes a week....just so it doesn't look like I'm some gym nut. LOL! It's money! :-D I am HORRIBLE HORRIBLE at drinking water. I only drink it when at the gym. I can never get an answer as to why that's so important. Whenever I try and drink more water, I bloat and the scale goes up. I drink the whole time I'm working out though. I don't have time to switch up my routine in that I already do 90-120 of working out for my job as it is! LOL! It's either spin or Pump. Here and there I'll try and throw in the elliptical or step aerobics etc. I don't know how I could eat even SOME of that back. That's a whole heck of a lot of food! protein shakes are a good idea. I'll look into that!!

    Water is how we flush toxins out of our bodies. So, making sure we are drinking at least 1/2 our body weight (in ounces) of water is very important. If you're working out really hard teaching these classes - I would recommend even MORE water to help replenish yourself. You're probably extremely dehydrated. Protein shakes are an excellent thing to drink after we workout. Our bodies crave protein afterward and these shakes offer everything you need. You can add water or milk to them. You'll probably have to try a couple of brands before you hit on one you like. I'm a picky eater and am VERY fussy about the taste of them. As for eating back the calories -- it'll be hard, but I really think if you start eating some of them back you'll see a difference. Look for higher calorie foods - like almonds to snack on.