Motivation Needed

Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Okay so, I need a little boost. I have found that I have gotten somewhat un-motivated to eat right and exercise. I do okay while I am at work as far as eating goes, but when I get home I find myself struggling to eat right and/or go to the gym. I only have about 15lbs to go to make it to my goal, but the closer I get the harder it gets. To get out of the 150's seems so hard! I get really close and then fall off. I really want to make it to my goal weight (or maybe a bit under) in time for my wedding and honeymoon in September. HELP!!!


  • Nora10
    Nora10 Posts: 1
    just think about how nice your goin to look on your wedding day if you lose the weight dont give up because its just goin to put you in a bad mode that day if you dont be the weight you want to be.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    It took me ten years to find my motivation.

    I tell myself that I don't have to work out, but if I don't, things won't change. I say "I want to do this!".

    Any everyday I have to tell myself the Nike slogan......JUST DO IT!
  • mgriffin51
    mgriffin51 Posts: 17 Member
    I am at the exact same point as you! I'm floating right around 150. As soon as I get down to 148 it pops back up again! I've been trying to think of ways to motivate myself too. I just bought some new workout clothes and it has helped a bit. It kind of refreshes your workout at the gym when you have new cute things to wear. I am also thinking about putting a swimsuit picture of myself on the fridge. I've never tried it before but people have done it in the past and swear it helps them eat better when they go to the fridge for that afternoon snack!
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks guys! I am about to go to the gym now so I only pray I can continue to stay motivated!
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    You'll do great!!!

    success isn't always about the number on the scale!! Have you been improving your fitness? have you taken measurements with a tape? Have you checked your body fat percentage??

    These are all great ways of seeing improvement/ progress, even when the scale isn't moving! Its true that loosing gets ahrder as your body gets closer to goal, but don't let thos last few pounds cloud how brilliantly you've already done, plus you must feel much better when you do eat better/ after you exercise? Remember that feeling the next time you go to the fridge for a snack!!

    Bestest wishes to you for your continued success and congratulations on your marriage :) You'll look amazing! :) xx
  • jenkamac
    jenkamac Posts: 61 Member
    I totally know how you feel! I have 15 lbs to go and it's so hard. For me, whenever I get even a few pounds down I feel so much better that I reward myself with food and relaxing and it starts all over again! This 15 lbs has been on me now for way too long. I agree - just keep thinking about how great you'll feel if you do it, especially for your wedding and honeymoon - that's great motivation! Time goes fast, think about where you could be in a few months. You can do it! I can too! (I'm motivating myself at the same time.. ) :)
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