PCOS - help!

What are the secrets in losing weight with PCOS? I have always dieted and worked out like crazy in the past and could never lose weight despite any efforts! Then when I went to the dr to try and find out why, I was diagnosed with PCOS. How does a person lose weight with this? Could me being a bigger girl just be genetics? I've never been thin, even in my younger years. I'm 34 now. Thanks!


  • s_y8s
    s_y8s Posts: 1,849 Member
    Alot of people say low carb/ high protein is best for us :)
  • chellebean1985
    chellebean1985 Posts: 2 Member
    Low carb/high protein. I was just diagnosed with PCOS and that is what the bariatric doctor said over and over. NO simple carbs, only complex, force your body to work harder to digest the food you eat, lower your insulin levels by eating lots of protein and complex carbs and good healthy fats. it works, I have been at 360 forever and i've lost 20 lbs so far!
    DELTEE Posts: 10 Member
    I actually just started a group on MFP to help other people with PCOS and insulin resistance. I have PCOS and am also insulin resistance and I've lost 65lbs the last year and a half. It's been a journey. We have a great group of ladies who have jumped on the band wagon and are all trying to encourage one another to met our personal goals. I was slacking on my logging and mention it in a thread on FB. It's somewhat lit a fire under all of us. The group is call "insulin resistance support" if you need extra encouragement, recipes, or tips come join us. :)
  • KillRKit
    KillRKit Posts: 18 Member
    I think what works will vary based on your diagnostic criteria that you had. (Since pcos is a collection of symptoms for which they have no definitive cause/answer for) If you had a problem with insulin resistance, find a diet that works for that. If you had irregular periods or no periods, perhaps just going on bc to regulate your hormones will work. (Birth control changed everything for me, but I had no blood sugar/insulin resistance issues)
  • mark_grace
    mark_grace Posts: 7 Member
    You guys ar amazing! Deltee, I will look for it - hopefully I can find that. I'm new to joining communities or anything of the sort. :)

    What's strange is my periods are like clockwork, but I had the other symptoms which is why my dr diagnosed me with it and after researching I then found out why it's been so hard to lose weight. I used to workout like crazy and be an avid hiker (AZ has lots of beautiful mountains). And was only about 15 lbs lighter than what I am currently. The struggle! I've thought about joining a weight loss clinic, but fear it will be extreme calorie cutting (500-800) or diet pills.