6am gym time...

Due to a recent job change I will now have to start working out at 6am. The job I'll be doing is stone masonry so it's quite intense. Does anyone have any experience lifting in the AM as to whether it's conducive to gaining weight and making muscle gains? I've heard a few differing opinions and would like to have some insights. So hit me up with your wisdom!


  • elliottweedy
    elliottweedy Posts: 10 Member
    Also in addition, I would greatly appreciate any training tips, nutrition and stretching tips for working out early, ie. to avoid injury etc...
  • ATK11
    ATK11 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to hit the gym at about 5:30am 6 days a week. It's definitely doable and I loved the openness of the floor!
    Personally I didn't eat anything before I went. I would have a shake in the car on the way over. Be smart about particularly with an intense job following.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Are you the actual brick layer or are you the scuttpuppy running up/down ladders? It appears that this job of course is pretty tough. Just wanted to wish you success.
  • elliottweedy
    elliottweedy Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all of the replies. It's good to see that I'm not the only one who will be doing this and that you guys have had success @ATK11 @asflatasapancake @StrongAsFuarkBear. Most of the stuff I kinda figured would be necessary like fueling up, stretching etc... And as you put @allaboutthecake I will be doing probably most of the skivvying for my boss but will be laying too as I have worked for him previously... Excited for the change in work and workout times... Thanks a whole bunch for the advice! Kudos
  • elliottweedy
    elliottweedy Posts: 10 Member
    Also, do those of you who lift early in the day find it better to eat before or after your workout?
  • mostwhimsicalchap
    mostwhimsicalchap Posts: 24 Member
    edited June 2015
    I typically work out first thing in the morning 4:30am or 5:30am and also have a demanding job (firefighter). I prefer working out first thing and enjoy have the gym to myself. It's just much easier to work out before shift when you have a demanding job because the motivation is usually gone after a 12 or 24 hour shift. I personally just jog to the gym (about a quarter mile) to limber up before I hit the weights. And i prefer to workout without eating and have a protein shake when I get home. Though some people aren't used to working out on an empty stomach and will hit a wall. If you do eat something I would probably suggest something like oatmeal or toast with peanut butter. Just listen to what your body tells and go from there.
  • elliottweedy
    elliottweedy Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for advice @mostwhimsicalchap . I went today at 7:00 and tomorrow will aim to be up and gone by 6:30. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and that with a bad nights rest due to our 5 month old baby crying at 1:30 hour intervals... So yeah, hopefully I get into a good routine. But it definitely wasn't as bad as I had previously feared... Thanks for all the advice gentlemen!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    2am fasted training

  • elliottweedy
    elliottweedy Posts: 10 Member
    So here is an update @ATK11 @asflatasapancake @StrongAsFuarkBear @allaboutthecake @mostwhimsicalchap @FitBeto I started getting up at 6am and am enjoying being up early and am getting into a good routine. I managed to chest 100lb dumbbells for a couple sets of 6 which is good since I have taken a good 5 or 6 weeks off of lifting, so I am hopeful it will take form soon enough! Thanks for all your input and wisdom guys!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Thanks for the update! :)
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I am in the gym very early every morning. It is really nice to have any piece of equipment available, and especially nice to have the work out done for the day when I leave. I don't eat before and just have water during work out, and this is strictly personal preference. I feel better working out fasted.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I love my 5am workouts! I get the gym to myself and don't have to worry about having enough time after work with kids, cleaning cooking etc the 5am workout is my mummy time.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    You'll be fine. I know most brickies don't take lunch so if that is the case, make sure you fuel up. I'm a structural steel carpenter and bust it everyday when I'm working. I wish I could workout before hand but I work much earlier. I use to run 3-6 miles in the morning before work and had no probs with gains off of Wendler's at the time. I just made sure I ate alot.
  • elliottweedy
    elliottweedy Posts: 10 Member
    @Chieflrg 'most brickies'... Most... Lol. Not me. My dad is a chronic 'bite of a sandwich, another 10 minutes work. Bite....' I'm going to be making sure I'm hitting my calories and I know my boss is ok with it so I'm sure I'll be ok... What is Wendler's?