Hi just learning this

Hi everyone just started using this looking for a lot of positive advice dealing with a lot of issues recently and put on an extreme amount of weight any words of advice or ideas to help I really appreciate it and I'm here if anyone needs my support


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP. My advice is to just log your intake accurately and honestly. Everything else will come. Good luck!
  • cosettecole
    cosettecole Posts: 17 Member
    You're reaching out... You're on MFP!! ☝☝ like they said, logging everything is a great starting point.. No need to go crazy and all the sudden start with a 1200 cal goal, you'll burn out in two weeks... Log as you're eating now, in a few days you'll really see patterns of where you can make adjustments.. Maybe cut soda or that afternoon chocolate.. For now, be excited you're starting!!
  • BIGLeagueQ
    BIGLeagueQ Posts: 75 Member
    Great advice you two! I'll ditto what they said, and add that I have already seen a definite benefit to reading/sharing others' goals and discussions. Good luck to you! :)