
fit_4_life Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I went out for a walk today during my lunch break and the front of my calves were really tight and painful...maybe it is sitting behind a desk all day that does it but surely there are ways to stretch the front part of your calves before walking...any ideas?


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Stand on your heels. or sit on your butt and put your legs out in front of you and pull your toes back towards you, and then roll them inward until you feel the streach.
  • EiriniJi
    EiriniJi Posts: 6
    Hi :-) I get that a lot when I run after holidays, hehe
    What works for me is to sit on the floor, straight back and straight legs and all I have to to is flex and relax my feet. Point your toes forward and then try and point them as much as you can towards you, but be careful, do it very slowly. When it's painful just point the toes forward slowly and back again. Do it for a few minutes every hour and especially before you go to bed, otherwise they will hurt like hell in the morning!
    Massaging them with some oil helps as well, but basically it would be awesome if you have someone else to do that for you!
    Hope this helps!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    I seemed to get shind splints a lot in high school and my coach didn't know how to stretch those muscles. But once I became a massage therapist it became clear to me.
    And when you say the "front of your claves" i'm assuming your talking about your shinds.
    so take your shoes off and curl your toes so that the tops of your toes are on the floor. and gently push your ankle forward. you'll feel it mostly in the front of your ankle but these are the tendons that are connected to your shinds. these particular muscles have smaller muscle bellys and long tendons. although you probably wont feel the stretch in the exact spot of soreness, you are stretching the right muscles.
  • alsnyder24
    alsnyder24 Posts: 2 Member
    I always got shin splints (pain in front of calves). My foot doctor told me to stop walking on concrete and to get gel inserts for my shoes. I also did stretching with resistance bands, place the band around toes and flex.
    Now, my problem was my feet are flat and the way they impact the ground was the cause of the pain, so I got an elliptical machine, and no more running on concrete/pavement!!
  • fit_4_life
    fit_4_life Posts: 2
    This is awesome....exactly the right spot...thanks for your help!
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