Help to keep motivated on healthy eating..

I have so far lost 20lbs in 12 weeks because my doctor was going to send me to an endocrinologist because of my type 2 diabetes.. I have been controlling it with diet, but had let it go out of control.. I had my A1c up to 8.8, and after losing the 20 lbs recently got it down to 6.9. But after seeing him, something changed.. He said that he was changing his practice and would no longer be able to see me.. I have been with him since 2003.. Now I have to find a new doctor.. I had a good relationship with my doctor.. He has encouraged me to get healthy.. Been there for my ups and downs.. I think I just gave up when he told me he was going to have to drop me as a patient.. He is changing to a concierge doctor.. No insurance.. You pay a monthly fee and can see him as much as you want.. I have insurance and can't afford to drop it and just go to this kind of service.. Ever since then, I started eating foods that I use to eat and began to give up.. I don't want to go back to my old habits.. I need to stay healthy not just for me, but for my family.. I want to be around for a long time.. I am only 54, but my mom died at 58 from cancer.. I don't want to leave my family, because I can't keep motivated to keep eating healthy..
They eat junk.. I try not to have it in the house, but somehow, I end up giving in.. They say that there is nothing to eat in the house. There is stuff to eat, just was not all the frozen prepared foods and chicken nuggets, chips and stuff. Now they are in the fridge and freezer and cupboards and I am finding myself sneaking them when I know I shouldn't .. I feel bad.. I mean bad afterwards.. I need help to get back on track.. Anyone out there having the same problems?


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I"m sorry this happened to you. You have to stay strong. Can you have a conversation with everyone, asking them to support you in your efforts to stay healthy?
  • slucia01
    slucia01 Posts: 7 Member
    I have this problem too. I have three kids and work full time and go to college. I also volunteer at the Red Cross three times a month. There are days that I just give in and go for the fastest meal available.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Remember your words "I need to stay healthy not just for me, but for my family.. I want to be around for a long time.. I am only 54, but my mom died at 58 from cancer.. I don't want to leave my family, because I can't keep motivated to keep eating healthy.."

    Keep those in mind. Your why is awesome! My family is my why. It can definitely help you get through your tough times. You can always get a new and understanding doctor. It can suck to change things up, but your family needs you to make this change.

    If you're looking for support, I help to run a great support and accountability group on Facebook for people looking to improve their health and fitness. It's just a bunch of people supporting and encouraging each other to make progress towards their goals. It's an awesome community. If you're interested in it, I'd be glad to chat with you about it.

  • jaketaylor1391
    jaketaylor1391 Posts: 29 Member
    You didnt diet for the doctor you did it so you can be healthy and be with you family longer. You have to do it for yourself and that where you will find your motivation to stay on it. Also think about how far you have come and it isnt worth quitting now. Another tip would be to ask yourself is junk food worth my life and the stress it would put my family through.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Keep working on it, you'll do just fine...keep at it :]
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    hlpmelos wrote: »
    I have so far lost 20lbs in 12 weeks because my doctor was going to send me to an endocrinologist because of my type 2 diabetes.. I have been controlling it with diet, but had let it go out of control.. I had my A1c up to 8.8, and after losing the 20 lbs recently got it down to 6.9. But after seeing him, something changed.. He said that he was changing his practice and would no longer be able to see me.. I have been with him since 2003.. Now I have to find a new doctor.. I had a good relationship with my doctor.. He has encouraged me to get healthy.. Been there for my ups and downs.. I think I just gave up when he told me he was going to have to drop me as a patient.. He is changing to a concierge doctor.. No insurance.. You pay a monthly fee and can see him as much as you want.. I have insurance and can't afford to drop it and just go to this kind of service.. Ever since then, I started eating foods that I use to eat and began to give up.. I don't want to go back to my old habits.. I need to stay healthy not just for me, but for my family.. I want to be around for a long time.. I am only 54, but my mom died at 58 from cancer.. I don't want to leave my family, because I can't keep motivated to keep eating healthy..
    They eat junk.. I try not to have it in the house, but somehow, I end up giving in.. They say that there is nothing to eat in the house. There is stuff to eat, just was not all the frozen prepared foods and chicken nuggets, chips and stuff. Now they are in the fridge and freezer and cupboards and I am finding myself sneaking them when I know I shouldn't .. I feel bad.. I mean bad afterwards.. I need help to get back on track.. Anyone out there having the same problems?

    You've got this. It's definitely tough having to switch from someone you've built a foundation with. Changing from my pediatric care doctor, who treated me since I was a child was hard! But you can find someone to build a relationship with again, and whom can support you through your transition.

    Regarding the food, you need to practice telling yourself "no". Its hard. You may slip up. But just because it is there, does not mean you need to eat it. Additionally, getting the family involved with the transition; have them help you prepare meals, maybe keep some of those items they want in the house (but practice with moderation and eat smaller portions), and also let them know why you're making these changes, and why it's good for them to try new things too.

    My mom made changes to our food slowly; first changes came when I was a teen. First it was from white bread to 12 grain bread, keeping more produce in the house, and eventually she was learning how to read labels. She's always liked cooking from scratch, and she does that a ton too. She's also started gardening, so we have awesome stuff in our backyard to pick from. We have some "picky eaters" in the house, but they still eat what's in front of them. :)

    You can still eat what you want and lose weight, and be around to grow old with your family. You need to keep telling yourself you want to start and continue what you set out to finish, accept you are human and may "fall off the wagon", and the payoff in the end will be worth it. Create sustainable changes that will keep you healthy, and are changes you can maintain into the future.