Fat 40 soon to be FIT in Atl! Hey Folks

My wife and I are sick of being fat and out of shape. We're just getting going with the app. So far I'm down 11 and feelin pretty good. Anyone looking to be buddies give me a holler. I am determined to stick to the program so, I could use all the encouragement I can get, and would love to help anyone who needs positive reinforcement as well!


  • sdbrindle
    sdbrindle Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there! 40 year old guy in Gwinnett. My wife and I are in the same boat.
  • jforemanart
    jforemanart Posts: 8 Member
    No kidding, small world. I teach in Gwinnett. Yeah it's been a long long pendulum of gaining and losing for me but never getting too far. I just love food too damn much, plus we have 4 kids so making time to work out is tough. This is gonna be my summer of success though, no turning back. Are you and your wife on the same plan?
  • jacqueline7599
    jacqueline7599 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 40 and stuck right now. Frustrated. Nobody on my friends list seem to be encouraging anymore.
  • jforemanart
    jforemanart Posts: 8 Member
    Well feel free to add me, I'm just getting started and feelin very positive after 4 weeks of being on my program! I'm in it for the long haul.
  • BIGLeagueQ
    BIGLeagueQ Posts: 75 Member
    I'm not quite 40 yet, but I got the fat part down to a T. ;) Congrats on the success so far, and good luck on your journey forward! :)
  • jforemanart
    jforemanart Posts: 8 Member
    BIGLeagueQ wrote: »
    I'm not quite 40 yet, but I got the fat part down to a T. ;) Congrats on the success so far, and good luck on your journey forward! :)

    Thanks, Have you lost any yet?

  • Sho0gy_D
    Sho0gy_D Posts: 108 Member
    That's great that you lost the amount of weight you did so far. Keep it up! Stay motivated and focused! My motivation is to see my newborn niece grow up. I'm sure you'd feel the same way with your 4 children.
  • BIGLeagueQ
    BIGLeagueQ Posts: 75 Member
    BIGLeagueQ wrote: »
    I'm not quite 40 yet, but I got the fat part down to a T. ;) Congrats on the success so far, and good luck on your journey forward! :)

    Thanks, Have you lost any yet?

    I was 430 in March. I changed a few eating habits, and dropped 60 in a couple months. I stalled for a bit, and a few of my friends turned me on to MFP...And here I am. I'm in my first week here, but can tell it's going to help me! I love social networking, and this ties that together perfectly with weight loss. :)
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    we are 48 & 47 and active in logging and maintaining; my wife is down nearly 60lbs and maintaining; I'm just a mascot :) feel free to add
  • miss_midnight_toker
    miss_midnight_toker Posts: 10 Member
    I live in Helen, Ga. I'm sick of my weight constantly fluctuating. I'm gaining more and more weight and I'm trying to get back to being healthy. Good too see that there are some people not far away getting healthy!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Not quite 40 (but I'll be 38 in October. Eeek) and hoping by the time I am 40 I'll be super fit :)

    My youngest baby is 13 months and I've got about 20lbs to go. I'm not massive, but I am technically overweight.