30 day shred and motivation

I have just joined my Fitness Pal. I need to lose as much weight as I can by the 5 th of August. I'm doing the. 30 day shred. How much could I lose by then? Also, if anyone is going on a similar journey and would like to add me as a friend, I'd be happy to accept :)


  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I really want to do [and stick to] 30ds. Why are you trying to lose as much as possible by the 5th? I'm trying to look the best that I can by 7/29 when I see extended family. Don't over work yourself to meet a goal though friend!
  • lukos05
    lukos05 Posts: 39 Member
    JM products (like her older 30 Day Shred) used to say that you could lose 5lbs per week if doing daily workouts and maintaining a caloric deficit. I loved her workouts. The newer 30DS is more challenging than the older one, so I think it is definitely doable to lose 5lb per week if you keep to it religiously, but many resources will tell you that losing (and maintaining) 2lb weight-loss per week is healthier and easier to stick with than extreme weight-loss. Your starting weight and calorie intake will also influence how many calories you burn. The challenge is not burning out before you hit your goals so pace yourself and be patient. You will find that when you start gaining muscle, your dietary needs will change to maintain that muscle growth, so listen to your body and don't starve yourself during this process. Also, when you start gaining muscle, your numeric weight loss will definitely slow down scale-wise, so going by how your clothes fit may start being a better indicator for health. Don't be discouraged by the scale when that happens (and, I promise, it will). I would recommend getting a couple other dvds of hers to break up the routine every so often while still keeping to her pace and style: boredom will also cause you to burn out! You've probably heard most of this before, but it is always good to be reminded to not let the scale run your life. Feel free to PM me or add me if you need a chat! Good luck!
  • beachmotivation
    beachmotivation Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the resposes. My goal for now is August 5th as im going on a beach holiday with my inlaws. They aren't shy about telling me when I've put on weight...which I have! I want to feel as good as I can :)
  • beachmotivation
    beachmotivation Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! That was really helpful!!!

  • exuberant30
    exuberant30 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey I'm doing 30 day shred, I'm on day 3
  • TimothyHolmgren
    TimothyHolmgren Posts: 20 Member
    Good luck keep your nutrition in check and stick to the work out program
  • beachmotivation
    beachmotivation Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you :)
  • rulysa
    rulysa Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing 30 day shred too, today will be day 4. the hardest part for me are the cardio bursts. the jumping jacks are killer, but yesterday I was able to do them a little better. how are you all finding this? sticking with it?
    beachmotivation, how is it going for you?
  • beachmotivation
    beachmotivation Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, it's not going too badly. I try to do the DVD most days, but if I'm out til late then I don't beat myself up over it. I feel like I'm making progress and not taking so long to recover after each session which is good :) I tried level 2 for the first time yesterday as I was getting bored of lever 1...I loved it...despite the pain :)
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Come join the "30 Day Shred RAWR!" group for motivation. I've lost 5.5" (measured the Weight Watchers way), and I'm on Day 5 (doing every other day, occasionally having to skip 2--bad joints.)

    I did actually lose 5lbs per week the first week....buuuuuuuut that's mostly water. LOL. (Has to do with when I started tracking.)
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    How much you can lose depends on your weight. A good rule of thumb is that aggressive weight loss is 1% of your mass per week.