Looking to add friends that need and can give ENCOURAGEMENT!

Hi everybody!! I'm looking to add some friends to my page! I love MFP, especially how easily we can connect with others that have the same goal! I know so many people struggle to stay motivated, myself included! Send me a friend request so we can help each other! I know I can get encouraged just by someone hitting the "like" button on my update! :smiley:


  • anniesong2747
    anniesong2747 Posts: 6 Member
    I requested you Melissa!!
  • Katiebrown2808
    Katiebrown2808 Posts: 12 Member
    I've requested you!
  • ElliePee15
    ElliePee15 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Melissa :☺️
    Yes I think even the odd like from a friendly face would be encouragement at this stage! I'm only 5days into MFP plan & havnt requested any friends yet as I'm not 100% on adding peeps I don't know yikes lol ! I'm a43 yr old happily married, mum of two teenage boys trying to grasp my fitness back.... I'm a teaching assistant & live in NW UK..... Hope you have a productive day & keep motivated would love to hear how u r doing ttfn shell
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Ellie!! Friends make such a difference on here! It's like a community rather than just logging your food/activities. I found myself logging in sometimes just to see what others were up to that day!
  • clairedover2013
    clairedover2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello im on day 3! I need all the help I can get lol
  • Lifeonmars2015
    Lifeonmars2015 Posts: 667 Member
    Been here for 860 days feel free to add