30 Day Shred- skipping days

For those of you that have done it, did any of you skip a day here and there? Did you still lose weight skipping a day or 2? Thinking about going to the gym today instead of the Shred. Wanted some advice? Thanks!!


  • teeveesee
    teeveesee Posts: 18 Member
    I think you'll be fine if you are doing some other exercise. Just a little warning though - I fell off the wagon with it a couple of times by leaving it too long and not doing anything else. You probably have more will power than me though!!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I skipped most weekends, but I think the 30 day shred is more so geared toward losing inches and toning your body then weight lost. So you may wanna use the tape measure instead of the scale.
  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    I'm currently in the middle of it - Level 2 day 7 done, but I have had breaks. Level 1 I had a rest every 4 days, Level 2 is a bit harder, and I find I need to break evry 3 days. Good Luck with it....its hard work but feels great once you've completed a session!
  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    I just started level 3 and I only do the shred on Monday's Wednesday's and Fridays. I've lost 7 pounds and inches off my waist and hips just doing it 3 days a week.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I have to get back into it. Today is the third day I have not done it. It is helping me lose inches for sure.