When your back hurts what exercise do you do?

PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Not sure why my lower back is hurting. Just must have over done house work. But I can not walk even comfortably. So what do you all do when you can not do your cardio you love?


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I rest. I follow the RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) treatment. If pain persists more than 24 hours, I visit my Doctor.
    No exercise while recovery, otherwise it will get worse. The rest time will double.
    Good luck
  • pennyns
    pennyns Posts: 10 Member
    I have chronic back pain and therefore swimming is my go-to exercise but I can also manage the rowing machine without exacerbating the problem, biking only for short periods and treadmill with NO elevation
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I've always found pilates to be helpful for my back pain. I start with a beginner program and work up as I get stronger. I also make sure to keep my head supported to prevent any more strain.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    rest and try legs up the wall

    and childs pose

    take it easy. sometimes a warm bath can help
  • bluejennn
    bluejennn Posts: 25 Member
    I would definitely recommend swimming! I swam when I was pregnant and my back was killing me.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Not sure why my lower back is hurting. Just must have over done house work. But I can not walk even comfortably. So what do you all do when you can not do your cardio you love?

    If it's that bad, you need to rest. But my experience is that walking actually helps. When I've tweaked my back, if I've been sitting too long, I'll be super stiff and awkward and painful when I get up but the more I walk and stand, the more it loosens up. That's just me - your back pain could be of a completely different type/origin. But I would recommend trying it just to see what happens.
  • ScreeField
    ScreeField Posts: 180 Member
    Can you work with a physical therapist? (after seeing a doc to get a proper diagnosis) They could recommend some great options for you. Once the pain goes away, you can try increasing core strength and stability to prevent back issues in the future. I find walking helps if I can catch back pain at the onset, but sounds like walking doesn't work for you right now.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Thank you all for the replies. I do most RICE, walk,recumbent bike. The gym has been my most help with stretching and the treadmill no incline. I also hate to but did use Aleve one day only. Much better. I really never get back pain so I was amazed at the loss of my legs do to pain. I really have an understanding for those of you who suffer with chronic back pain. Blessings to all. Thanks
  • sarabrunning
    sarabrunning Posts: 21 Member
    Also stretch your piriformus muscle, it's responsible for a lot of lower back pain, particularly in those with desk jobs or who drive a lot. It's under your medial glute, a thin fan shaped muscle. Stretch it in king pigeon pose, pressing your hips squarely towards the ground. That, and cat cow are great. Supermans are a good start for strengthening a weak lower back too.
  • jshay295
    jshay295 Posts: 110 Member
    I have scoliosis, so personally if my back was sore I couldnt walk comfortably I'd get to my GP asap. Actually I'd b probably do that anyway.

    When my back is bothering me slightly, I pay extra attention to my work while working out, and enjoy using a foam roller before and after working out. I've found it really helps preventing and relieving soreness.

    Also, just a note, the more I strengthen my back , the less frequently it hurts.

    Feel better!
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