Starting Kayla Itsines BBG

Hi! So I just got the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body guide (the first one) and started this week!
I was wondering if anyone else is starting/doing the program right now and thought maybe we could get some accountability going! I know a lot of the girls go to Instagram for that but if rather just stick to a discussion forum!
After doing the week 1 Leg & cardio workout I was a little discouraged. After doing the first circuit I almost passed out! Which is surprising since I consider myself to be decently fit, (I can run a mile in about 8 minutes). Did anyone else experience this? There may have been other factors, like I was doing it under the beating hot sun for example.
Also, how are you all doing your nutrition plan? I find that it may be difficult to stick to the guide perfectly. Do you think I will still see results?


  • liftlovelunge
    liftlovelunge Posts: 23 Member
    I'm currently following the workout guides (week 2 of pre-training) and definitely find it challenging. Last week I was super wobbly towards the end of arms and abs but I noticed an improvement this week. Do the workouts at your own pace!

    I'm not following her nutrition plan at all; I'm just using MFP to track my calories and macros. Good luck!