Ahh I feel like I am slipping down the slope....

I have been doing great with getting my workouts for such a long time and the last two weeks I have been taking more rest days then normal. I haven't had the motivation to get my morning workouts in the last couple days. Part of it due to my toddler deciding to wake up earlier then normal. But today that is not the excuse she is still sleeping and I have no motvation to push play and get the workout done and over with. I am unsure as to why. Maybe the crappy weather we have been having? I don't know. I just need to get back at it. I finally lost 40 pounds and only have 12 more to go to be at my prepregnancy weight. And about 40 to go to get to my goal weight. Ugh! Why am I getting lazy?!?


  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    Have you recently been sluggish in your workouts or noticed your strength is down too?
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    No not really. Monday I had an awesome bike ride. Although Tuesday I didn't workout and was having some lightheaded spells which was weird for me. I haven't been depriving myself of food or anything so that can be ruled out. Yesterday I did try to up the protein though.
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    My system is to be flexible on everything except a calorie deficit - so if there's a week or two I don't feel like working out, or I feel like eating ice cream for lunch, I do a great workout 10 days in a row, or whatever else my mood dictates, there's no self recriminations - I just adjust my intake accordingly. So one way to go is just eat a little less til you feel like working out again.
    That being said, I do know my body feels better when it's regularly active, and if I've been lazy awhile I do need to talk myself into overcoming inertia. I find the mindset that works for me here is not "ugh I need to get back into my routine! Ok I must workout 5 days this week," but more "I will walk 30 minutes today." Then when I'm walking I actively notice how good it makes me feel, and I do the same with how I feel the rest of the day for having been active, and the whole thing just snowballs - next day I feel like running, or lifting :)
    Good luck to you! Be easy on yourself and enjoy your little kiddo :)
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I know people say it's good to have rest days, but I really try to limit them. I tend to lose my motivation, too, and then when I do work out again I feel like my performance suffers, I struggle through every minute. Just do it. Tomorrow it will be easier, and even easier the day after that.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Thanks! I just did go for a bike ride with my kids. I pulled the toddler in the bike trailer and the nine year old rode his bike. Wore my polar and got a 200 calorie burn. I think that is just going to have to work. We have been getting hit with so much rain lately. Outside time hasn't happened. I did do a 9 mile bike ride on Monday and got caught in the rain. That was actually a fun ride home. lol.

    Maybe at nap time I will try to get a small workout in. Maybe some Pilates.

    As for my workout routine I have kind of followed the guide of 21 day fix by Monday - some sort of cardio Tuesday- upper body Wednesday- something lower body Thursday- active recover like yoga or Pilates Friday- cardio Saturday- a cardio and lifting blended routine then Sunday no one messes with my yoga Sunday. Lol
  • Bj0223
    Bj0223 Posts: 133 Member
    You have the rain and I have heat - heat-heat!

    Weather plays a big part in my motivation. I may work out less this time of year because I'm stuck inside, I just make sure my diet is spot on.

    Good Luck- you got this!!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Lol yeah we have rain, heat and humidity. Yay Midwest weather.