Weightloss without the gym!!!

DturmenD Posts: 30 Member
I am looking for effective ways of loosing weight without having to invest time and money into the gym. I am just not a gym person, I feel like it is a waste of money. I am currently working my way up to walking/jogging 4 miles a day. I was able to complete 2 miles, in 45 mintues with just walking. So I would really love some effective was of loosing more weight without having to hit the gym....THANKS!!!


  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    I have lost almost all of my weight on my Wii Fit and with Just Dance 2, then I meet up with friends about twice a week and lap the mall for about 3 miles. I can't afford a gym, and with two young ones, it is not reasonable. Best of luck!
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    If you don't mind working out at home with inexpensive DVDs and hand weights .. then there are ALL kinds of video workouts that incorporate strength training and cardio (i.e. anything Jillian Michaels does) or kettlebell goddess, or other routines like that.

    I also ride my bike often and swim EVERY chance I get (pretty much daily thanks to my pool at work). When I swim I use resistance paddles to up the workout for my shoulders and back.

    and basic calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, etc.) do wonders if you modify the strength moves to really push the muscle development.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    If you have a netflix subscription you can stream a lot of work out DVD's that are out there right to your computer/tv (depending on your set up). Netflix doesn't stream everything, but they have a lot of workout dvd's that you can have sent to your house as well. Good luck!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i go to zumba once a week! used to be two. also do jillian michaels 30 day shred with 3lb weights and am on week 3 of couch to 5k. i just dont have the time to go to the gym as i work full time and have a 2 year old! can do my workouts at home in the evenings. i got rid of my hym membership a long long time ago!
  • candacecollins
    I have lost 20+ pounds in 120 days (not the greatest, but i do like to splurge on foods sometime) all with the Jillian micheals Yoga meltdown, i watch my cals on MFP and do her 30 min workout once a day, on a rare occasion 2 times. But no wieghts or any thing, just a mat and ur goood to go. I am currently working on her 6 week 6pack. kicks my backside. I feel anything that is gettin u some cardio and some movement is going to benifet you! try out all her dvds.
  • Taretta
    Taretta Posts: 5
    Find the things you enjoy and search the internet for the FREE or low-cost days. I love to roller skate (and it gives me a good work-out). I found a place that charges $1 admission on Mondays. So that's when I go. I was interested in trying Zumba. A co-worker found FREE classes in our area by searching online. It was on Tuesdays (fun workout for that day). I purchases an annual parking pass for Stone Mountain ($35 investment for a whole year). I go and utilize the hills around it for a 5 mile walk and hike anytime I'd like for no additional charge. These are just a few examples. Decide what are some things you wouldn't mind doing that burns calories and search for FREE!

    Best of luck! I hope this helps.
  • chelledepriest
    Since I started here 3 1/2 months ago, I have been walking/jogging 5 miles a couple times a week and doing tae bo! They have tae bo dvd's at walmart for $10!!
  • DturmenD
    DturmenD Posts: 30 Member
    I am considering investing purchasing the Zumba Fitness DVDs, in your opinion, will it work?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    www.bodyweightculture.com...click on the forums, and browse around. There are literally hundreds of workouts you can do free in your own home, with no weights and no equipment...and ALL of them are EXTREMELY effective, or they wouldn't be there. If you search the newbie areas and the training plan area...you'll be sure to find something that will do what you need...whether it's strength training, leaning out, gaining weight, whatever. The guys over there are very helpful...and between that site and this...I've done some pretty incredible things to my body in just a little over a month =D.

    Hope that helps!


    and basic calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, etc.) do wonders if you modify the strength moves to really push the muscle development.


  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I have a gym available to me free at my work but I still very very rarely go. 99% of my workouts are DVDs and walking. I use several of Jillian Michaels DVDs and a couple TaeBo and a couple Jackie Warner… they are all ten bucks or less from Walmart or Amazon and if you have Netflix there are workout DVDs on there too. Hand weights are pretty inexpensive and you’ll probably want some soon, but don’t need them right away. Good Luck!!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I run three times a week in the neighborhood, and i have a yoga workout dvd i do in the mornings! i say, who needs gyms! that money can go towards better things.
  • frdw
    frdw Posts: 8
    I am considering investing purchasing the Zumba Fitness DVDs, in your opinion, will it work?

    Haven't personally tried any of them, but I'm thinking about it I'm sure I saw a thread on here awhile ago about them. People seemed pleased with the results. Like all DVD/work out games, I think you get out what you put in. I have a couple of Jillian Michaels DVD's that I use as well as stuff for our Wii and X-box. I don't have the time, money or inclination to hit the gym.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    Any of Leslie Sansone's Walk away the Pounds DVDs are great workouts at home. You get strength training as well as cardio with some of them. I have been working out at home with the Wii Active More Workouts and needed a change so I started with the WATP again. I did the 3 miles for Weight Loss with the hand weights this morning and I felt good afterwards. Good Luck!
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I am finishing up P90X, which isn't for everyone, but beach body has quite a few prorams to choose from and fit your lifestyle.
    If you have any questions on a program, feel free to ask.

    They are pricey though, so if you want a program that is good, and less $$, google "Supreme 90" alot less $$, and really good I hear.
  • Emmie120
    Emmie120 Posts: 7
    I have lost almost all of my weight on my Wii Fit and with Just Dance 2, then I meet up with friends about twice a week and lap the mall for about 3 miles. I can't afford a gym, and with two young ones, it is not reasonable. Best of luck!

    That's awesome i've heard that Wii Fit really does help...i might have to invest in one of those...