Can't gain anymore weight during pregnancy

Hi I was looking for some advice on how to maintain my current weight during this pregnancy. My OB has said that I shouldn't gain anymore weight to try and keep the baby from getting much bigger. I am 33 weeks and he is already pretty big. Any suggestions would be great!


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Hmmm I'd probably start by asking your GP to help you determine an appropriate calorie intake. And then stick to that. You're almost done :) Congrats!
  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    Do you have GD? I was in a similar situation in my last pregnancy. I kept passing the glucose tests but baby was big and I was big and my amniotic fluid was abnormally high, so my doc just diagnosed me with GD anyway. :/

    That being said - when I started following an eating plan for Gestational Diabetes, my weight plateaued. Actually, I think I lost a few pounds. It helped a lot. It was hard because I was conditioned to think I could eat whatever "baby wanted..." but it made a huge difference.

    Walking helped so much, too!

    I hope this helps! :)
  • MandiCook
    MandiCook Posts: 3 Member
    No I have not been diagnosed with GD and have passed all of the glucose test. I will take a look at the GD eating plan and hopefully that will help. :smile: Thanks so much for your help
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Well, your baby is going to gain weight, babies generally gain weight in the last few weeks. All three of mine were very overdue too.

    I'm not the best one to ask because despite exercising all pregnancy and eating below then at maintenance, I still gained too much. However I had easy pregnancies and labours (gas and air, no stitches all 3 times) and healthy babies. I lost all the weight after the first two and just losing the last bit after my third.

    Try not to worry. Eat well, keep active, but don't beat yourself up if you gain a bit.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Watch the salt intake and limit fluids to water. That can make a huge difference. No soda, no juice.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ask to be referred to a dietician that specializes or is knowledgeable in pregnancy.

    But I agree, babies will gain weight whether you will it or not. Try not to stress out too much about weight gain.
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    I agree that you should ask to be referred to a dietician. IMO, you should be supervised if you are following any type of diet while pregnant.

    I also had to follow a GD diet, but I was under the supervision of a dietician and a perinatologist (who had to adjust my diet at different points)

    My thing with the GD diet is that I kept going into ketosis, which can be dangerous while pregnant. So I had to test for ketones regularly and adjust my diet.

    My point is that even if you were diagnosed with GD, the GD can be tricky to follow on your own. So, please seek professional advice before going on the GD diet (particularly if undiagnosed)
  • MandiCook
    MandiCook Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for the information. I will reach out to my doctor.