I'm struggling this week

this week I'm really struggling , it's life getting in the way again , I've been out for dinner with mates and I'm going to visit family at the weekend and know I'm going to eat loads ! Any advice on what to do other than become a hermit and stay in eating kale


  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    Yes, don't be a hermit! Enjoy the food in moderation. Try to socialize without food being the focal point. Go for walks with the family, play some games with the family. And when the weekend is over, maybe you did indulge a little too much, don't beat yourself up, get back on track on Monday and it will all be good.
  • quinnyplh
    quinnyplh Posts: 25 Member
    Live your life, one or two days of bad eating won't ruin everything.... I lost 4 stone around 10 years ago got into the shape of my life, it's crept back up though over the years as I lost interest and let myself go.... Look at things over a month rather than a few days, if you eat well and healthy over the month 2-3 days is only a small percentage and sometimes it's good to have a break. Have your crap week then get straight back into it :)
  • Bizurke51
    Bizurke51 Posts: 190 Member
    just burn more calories to offset.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    this week I'm really struggling , it's life getting in the way again , I've been out for dinner with mates and I'm going to visit family at the weekend and know I'm going to eat loads ! Any advice on what to do other than become a hermit and stay in eating kale

    With summer comes a lot of food-oriented get togethers. This weekend, I have plans to go see an old friend and get lunch/drinks and the next day we have a BBQ to attend. I try to pre-log my meals for the day and stick to that (if you know you're going to drink/eat a large meal etc. quick log estimated calories and then gauge your meal decisions on whatever fits into that allotted amount) Of course, I have days where I know I will cheat a little. I tend to not log on those days because I get frustrated and disheartened with myself. Just try to hit the gym a little longer the next day to make up for it :)
  • Nyappykim
    Nyappykim Posts: 57 Member
    I posted this in another thread, but I'll paste it here as well :)
    I was on vacation for a week and a half with my boyfriend just this past month in Florida. We ate out every single day and most of my choices weren't healthy especially because I love fried food. I let myself enjoy food that I normally wouldn't eat on a daily basis that week and I knew there was no way I'd stay at a deficit, so I switched to maintenance eating. The majority of the days consisted of me eating a light breakfast. Then, when we'd go out to a restaurant, I'd eat at least half my order which kept me full most of the day and finished the rest for dinner.

    When I went back home, I checked the scale and only gained a pound which I believe was probably mostly water. A couple days later, I dropped back down to my original weight before I left for FL. After continuing my regular eating habits for a few more days, I dropped another pound.

    So I'd say enjoy yourself while you're in Chicago. Don't expect to be in a deficit, but don't gorge on all the food either :)