Snack ideas that are filling

i am a homeschooling mama to four and I am constantly on the go, which has led to some really bad eating habits because I tend to grab what's quick and easy. I plan to do some meal and snack prep this coming week and I really need some ideas for some healthy snacks that will do a better job keeping me full. I get really hungry really fast and get shaky and grouchy. I want to stick to healthier eating choices but don't want to feel hungry all of the time. Any suggestions?


  • blakerudolf42
    blakerudolf42 Posts: 15 Member
    Apple slices and peanut butter!
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    ^^ apple slices and PB is VERY filling, also a cup of carrots/broccoli/cauliflower with 1T. dressing or pumpkin seeds
  • dietenv
    dietenv Posts: 21 Member
    Nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, minimally processed cheese.

    You could use hummus, mustard, guacamole, or salsa for dipping your vegetables.
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    hard boiled egg. tons of protein and keeps you full for a long time at around 70 calories.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    I love the little bags of pistachio nuts...some have 80 calories and some have 120 calories. Plus you have to work to get the nut. That plus a clementine. Hummus and carrots or cauliflower is another good snack.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I love peanut butter, so I do celery boats a lot; the peanut butter is oh so good and the crunchiness of the celery makes me feel like I'm eating something really satisfying (well, it is to me!). I use PB2 for the peanut butter.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    hard boiled egg. tons of protein and keeps you full for a long time at around 70 calories.

    I second this. 2 hard boiled eggs with chopped up cucumber and tomato and a bit of mustard on the side is very filling.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member

    I put it in all caps because they really fit the bill.

    They're good and yummy, not too high-cal and SO FILLING. You get six packs to a box and 2 bars to a pack. ONE BAR is a very filling snack. Seriously.

    Apple Crisp is the best flavor, but Peanut Butter and Oats n Honey are good, too. Cinnamon might be good, I don't like it. Nth Brown Sugar one isn't the best, IMO.

    I'm in agreement with the hard-boiled egg people. A little cottage cheese is fairly decent, too.

    Fruit is a very filling and healthy snack...also a good example to those four little students of yours.

    24 hours a day with four children...God bless you! :)
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited June 2015
    I second some of the posters. I will always prefer non-processed foods for snacks as they will not feed or foster a sugar habit which many pre-packaged foods tend to have in order to make your food taste better.

    Hard boiled eggs make for great protein - I tend to go for ramen style eggs, hard boiled on the outside, slightly gooey on the inside. The texture, the aesthetic and mouth-feel is extremely satisfying, and have it with a bowl of miso soup and some tofu makes it a mini meal which is filling and very delicious. (2 large eggs - 60-70 cal each, miso soup - 35 cal+)

    Sliced fruit is awesome - keep them in individual snack bags and try to have a variety of fruit sliced in small wedges as they will make you feel like you are eating ALOT when you've literally just had the same calories as you would have a single piece of fruit. It also helps with fibre even if they do have natural sugars in them (fructose). )Usually around 70-90 cal.)

    I personally do not eat nuts as they are so more-ish and high in calories for such small portions...but they do have good fats.

    Another really filling idea is a warm Turkish coffee with skim milk spiced with cardomom and some ginger, and a small brown rice ball with seaweed seasoning. Turkish coffee is quite thick and the thickening effect in your coffee means that it is like a warm, comforting milk shake type mouth feel, and the rice ball can be home-made easily and rolled in a mixture of crushed seaweed and salted pomegranate. It sounds weird but it has a very umami taste which satisfies immensely. (Coffee is 25 cal for 1/2 cup and rice ball the size of a golf ball is like <50.)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    • Laughing Cow cheese wedges and Wheat Thins or Triscuits (I'm a fan of the garden veggie fiber Wheat Thins right now)
    • Hummus and Food Should Taste Good chips
    • An inhuman amount of cherries
    • Greek pasta salad with full-fat feta
    • Guacamole
    • Homemade bruschetta with toasted french bread
    • Ham and cheese rollups