43 lbs lost in almost 5 months..

December 2010 I took a trip to New York with some family and friends. I didn't really realize how disgusting I looked until I looked at the pictures from the trip. That weight was 268.8 and I knew I needed to make a change. On New Years 2011 I wanted to make a change but I didn't want to call it a resolution or start on January 1st because I always just throw them right out the window so I started January 3rd. I am now 225 lbs and I need to get back on the band waggon. I stopped working out the past few weeks because I've been so upset about my boyfriend leaving on deployment but I am going to take this next 6.5 months to lose my final 57 lbs. I'm losing it for myself but I think it'll be an awesome surprise when he returns. If I figure out how to post pics I would love to compare my December 2010 pics to now (:


  • Lucky14
    Lucky14 Posts: 1
    Good luck. You can do it.:happy:
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    You can do it! Deployments are amazingly hard :) Build yourself a good support network (virtual and/or in person) and itll help keep you distracted. Focusing on the gym with be a great way to work through that too
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Great job! ... About the pictures upload them to photobucket then use the IMG code to post them here but you need to change the uppercase IMG in the code to lowercase img for it to show up.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    I can do relate to you. I knew I was heavy but I saw pictures of myself holding my grandson and I knew I had to do something. I started Dec. 24, 2010 weighing 225 lbs. Today May 25, 2011 I weighed 182.4 down 42.6 pounds. It has been a journey, I've had to learn and to eat right, and drag my family with me and I had to find exercises I could do that didn't leave me crippled. At 225 lbs, everything hurt all the time, so walking made it worse. I found though just getting up and moving made a world of difference.
    So, yes You can DO IT! Remember to do it for yourself and you will be successful.
  • ttandjg
    ttandjg Posts: 5
    Good Luck!! :smile:
  • nydragon
    nydragon Posts: 12 Member
    Goodluck! Never give up!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome back to the bandwagon. Remember, life around us will happen, usually out of our control, and we alone are the ones that control how we react to the adversity around us.

    Also, this is about a journey, not a sprint. It took us a long time to get fat, it will take a longer time to gain control of our lives, lose the fat, and gain healthy habits that will prevent us from putting them back on again.

    As far as the posting pics on MFP, go ahead and put them on photobucket (free), You will get a url to the photos then you post that url here. You will see a tag that says IMG and you need to change that to lowercase img.
  • srenee08
    srenee08 Posts: 6
    This was at our beach house in May 2010 [275ish]

    This was halloween 2010 [270ish]

    New York trip Dec 2010 [268]

    Another from NYC trip 2010 [268]

    A few days ago [227]

    Yesterday [225]
  • srenee08
    srenee08 Posts: 6
    Sorry the pics are huge and they cut me out of one lol
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