My epic journey, begins started at 500 goal 250, down 40 since February 1st.

When I finally stepped on a scale that would weigh me, I was shocked to see 500lbs. What? Really? So I decided to react, finally before I was dead. Stopped smoking and drinking pop. And I started losing. Started watching my portion sides. Lost more. Went to an orientation for gastric bypass surgery. It's a big step, but I'm ready. I am down 40 lbs, and surgery is set for July 13th. I've started a powdered diet of 800 calories, and I thought quitting smoking was tough. But going forward it would be great to find people to walk with of exercise in my area. Financially I have to be smart so no expensive gym. But if you are interested let me know!


  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    :# ohhhh that's awesome! how nice that you took control of your life and thinks are working out for you, my best wishes in your surgery ; hope everything turns out for the best.
  • jackiekapaj
    jackiekapaj Posts: 4 Member
    Way to go! It is so good for you to finally be able to get a handle on your health. I went the surgery route when I could not do it any other way. It was a very hard decision for me because I felt that it was like I was admitting that I was a failure! However, it has been 2 years now and it has been the best decision I have ever made. I am down a little over 200 pounds and feel great! I wish you all the best! The only advice I can give is to remember that the surgery is a tool not an end. At first the weight drops off quickly with no effort on your part, after a while you will still have to work at it. I still have to weigh and measure all my food. The difference from before surgery to after surgery is that I feel like I have an "aide" in my back pocket. I still have to work at it but it is much easier to stick to my food plan than before the surgery. Good Luck!
  • pattybellis
    pattybellis Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so proud of you!! I am new here to the site, but I really need my life back. My dr. wants me to have bypass surgery, but my insurance won't pay for it. So it's the hard way for me. I will keep plugging away!!
  • Nevertoold2015
    Nevertoold2015 Posts: 328 Member
    That's is awesome.. You should be so proud of your self