question for the experienced runner.

Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
do you burn more calories running when it's really hot outside.....


  • titletown
    titletown Posts: 377 Member

    You'll lose more water through sweat but the calorie burn will be the same.

    Always make sure and drink more water as we approach the hotter summer months.
  • deenie169
    deenie169 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't think could weigh yourself before and after, you'd find out how much water you need to take in! It feels like more work but the exertion is about the same, but I'll ask my friend the kinesiologist who is coming by later tonight!
  • i dont think so but i heard that you do burn more calories when you speed walk
  • hopebuck
    hopebuck Posts: 138
    my heart rate monitor is the BEST thing i've ever been given! accurate calorie burn no matter what the weather :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    The only difference I noticed when I tried to run in the hot weather last weekend was that I was sweating buckets (more water loss) and I couldn't run for as long from the heat so I burned LESS calories! But that's only related to the length of the workout. Instead of running 5-6K like I wanted to, I ended up only going 3K. So even if I was burning slightly more calories, I lost a few kilometers from the heat getting to me.
  • deenie169
    deenie169 Posts: 22 Member
    My kinesiologist friend says " not measurably", it's mostly perceived exertion and the difficulty we have *feeling* cooler, since in hot or humid weather, we don't necessarily get the evaporative effect of sweating.
    She warned me (of course) about heat exhaustion, etc and staying hydrated!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    i sooo need one of these i just dont have the $$ to put out on it right now grrrrr...
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    My kinesiologist friend says " not measurably", it's mostly perceived exertion and the difficulty we have *feeling* cooler, since in hot or humid weather, we don't necessarily get the evaporative effect of sweating.
    She warned me (of course) about heat exhaustion, etc and staying hydrated!

    yea definately do the hydration route,,, just as a test yesterday i weighed before and after and i lost 1.8lbs in 50 mins so i know that's a lot of sweat.. but my thinking is it hotter it's harder to breath, breathing controls my heart rate so thinking my heart rate must be higher, easiest thing would be get a monitor but that aint happening right now. just checking to see what ya'll thought thanks for all the feedback..
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    Although your body might not directly burn more calories in terms of fitness, our bodies burn tons of calories keeping our temperatures at equilibrium. In fact, in the summer, it is estimated that those who use air conditioning systems burn 200 less calories than those without, because your body isn't fighting to keep the balance.

    So, although the short answer may be no, your body is going to burn a bit more during and after the run to keep its temp moderated.
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