I have to do this

I don't really know how many times I've done an intro and talked about getting healthier but here I am still. Not dropping the pounds, not feeling good about myself, and wanting to get better.

Wanting alone isn't going to do it, so I'm just thinking I have to get back onto the horse one more time and try to make it work this time.

Today I've had probably the worst day I have had in a long time. Regrettably it's not just one big thing I could fix, it's one of those combinations of so many things fighting for my attention and stressing me and chipping away at my normally good demeanor.

Nowhere to turn I decided to turn here, part of me has a hard time making friends because of how I feel about myself, but I can't let that hold me back.

I have a photo of myself right now, but I will spare you all the eye-burning damage of actually seeing it. Just looking at it on my own is it's own roller coaster of emotions. Maybe I'll share it when its the before picture and not the current.

Well I can throw myself a pity party, but I'm the only one who shows up to those, so I am just going to post on here instead and try again.

Feel free to friend me if you like, I'm going to do my best to keep posting, I feel like if I put something and people read it then maybe I will have the motivation to continue.

At least my son is here too, he doesn't see his dad the way I see myself, I just want to look at myself with the same love he looks at me with. :smile: That's all the reason to do this I need.


  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I always say you'll finally do it when you finally want to. I'm on a journey to lose 96 more pounds. I started out with 125 pounds to go so I'm feeling good about myself. I've done the yoyo diet fo so long I've lost count. But I finally said no more and this time I'm just going to do it. No more turning back or just being lazy and stopping. This is it. I am going to reach my final goal weight of 129 pounds and I will not stop....ever...until I am there. Friend me and I'll help you keep your *kitten* on that horse. :)

    There are so many people on this forum that have done it. So can we.
  • BIGLeagueQ
    BIGLeagueQ Posts: 75 Member

    Don't let anything hold you back!! We can do it!! :)
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    You seem to know what you've got to do now. Don't give up. Just believe that quitting isn't an option. It is a change for life. If you want it badly enough, then you will! Best of luck!
  • Bekzie82
    Bekzie82 Posts: 33 Member
    You are in the right place for help and support, you can do this! We all can